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Alice, Kayla, and Jody go forward with their scale sabotage plan to trick Dr. Shaw but how long can they keep up this ruse? The scale may say that they're reducing, but when the evidence of your own eyes clearly says otherwise... it's only a temporary reprieve! Meanwhile, Laurie goes ahead with her plans to become an BBW online superstar, even if she has to deal with her annoying parents in the process!

Everyone has their own journey to understanding themselves and I sometimes receive messages from people who've only recently realized their attraction to larger women in adulthood. That's fair, but it amuses me to think about. I was obsessed with "fatness" ever since I was a child. Somehow, even though I had a lot of childhood obsessions, this was the one that I instinctively knew I should hide from my parents. Somehow I knew it was "sordid." It wasn't until I hit puberty that I started to realize it was a sexual interest.  Originally I liked anything that depicted fat characters, regardless of gender, but gradually my interest narrowed until it focused almost exclusively on girls. That should have been a big tell about my sexuality, but, at the time that I posted the first Alice story online, I still identified myself as straight. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess! 



interesting how the sexual interest is formed in child hood but really grows with your age and can even change (to a degree) Looking forward to reading your next piece


A really hot scenario with Laurie. I hope she gets into the same pose again some day and can't touch the floor. And, I really don't think she would handle "normal parents" for one moment!


You know I love seeing my favorite fat girl atop her mobility scooter, and the very idea that she's now essentially too obese to operate it really turns up the heat. If Laurie is thinking about what to buy with the money she's earned through her BBW--or more aptly, her SSBBW--website, I'd love to see a scene of her visiting the scooter stall the mall and browsing for an upgrade. Alice and Jen could go with her, and I don't think we've yet had them all riding on their scooters together. I'm sure that same salesman from before would be horrified. When Laurie fell over and found that she was too fat and weak to get up herself, all I could think was she was lucky this didn't happen at school because that would certainly be humiliating, though perhaps she might have enjoyed that in a depraved sort of way. Everyone would be seeing a literal fall from grace, the cheer captain too fat to even get up off the ground. On a different note, I'm all too eager to see Laurie roll out onto that stage for Nikki Lake; is that something we'll relatively soon, or something much further down the road that we're working towards? The suspense is killing me.


I've got a few more things I want to happen before the grand TV appearance, but we'll get there soon enough! :)


How I imagined the scene of Laurie trying to get up: https://i.imgur.com/xc8EDfG.png