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It's time to check back in with Miss Hubbard again! Miss Hubbard is a very proper mature milf of a teacher from England,  coming on an exchange program to America to teach for a year. Of course,  as everyone knows, America is famous for all sorts of high fat, high  sugar, high calorie food that they just don't have back on the British  Isles. But when the students start to see fattening their favorite  teacher as a game, Miss Hubbard's politeness proves her undoing: she  just can't say no! She's sure to balloon fast when the whole school gets  in on the action...

I probably shouldn't use these posts as an excuse to post my own thoughts too much. I've tried to avoid talking too much in the past out of fear that I'll say something stupid, but...eh! I was thinking about some of my previous statements about what I found so hot about fat people. Of course, my statements are all from the perspective of a fat admirer. Actual fat people no doubt have very different opinions. I know some fat people have told me they find this sort of erotica cathartic or empowering, but an equal number have said they find it degrading or objectifying. I can't tell anyone how to feel, you feel as you feel. When I was younger, I worried a lot that my work might be interpreted as anti-fat, especially since I do sometimes have a bit of mean streak in my humiliation kink. But, at the same time, every kink is "problematic" in its own way. A friend once told me "no one's genitals are woke" and I've largely come to accept that in its zen-like simplicity. It's not a question with an easy answer, but the heart will what it will. 



One again, thank you very much Molly, for this story. I wonder what the teacher who inspired this commission would think, if she knew the effect just one throwaway remark had on my impressionable young mind... :)