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It's been a little while since Alice and her tubby teammates wowed the entire school with their fat bodies and subsequently became viral media stars. But the attention of the whole Internet may just be the beginning... when the girls receive a very special invitation that promises to bring them even MORE fame!

Well, this is it! The Big 100! Who would have thought that it would ever get to this point? When I first started writing these stories, literally 20 years ago, I thought I might possibly have to write up to 10 chapters to get everything completed. Ah to be so young and naive! I never dreamed it would become this epic lol. And while sometimes I'm embarrassed to think that I've lavished so much time on a gigantic wank story, well... it means a lot to me! Writing the adventures of Alice and co has helped me deal with a lot of issues in my own life over the years and it's also brought me tremendous joy to think that there are people out there who enjoy this. As silly as it sounds, I consider it a huge honor to think that people out there are pleasuring themselves to my words. I can't think of a better gift to receive as an author!

I'm getting maudlin in middle age, so I apologize for these increasingly frequent little diatribes XP It's fun to mouth off a bit though.  Maybe I'll do that more if people don't mind too much.  Chapter 100 marks a bit of a turning point. There's still quite a ways to go, but we are entering the final phase of the story. But I hope you'll continue this journey with me and see it all the way to the end! :)



Congratulations on 100!!! I'm very excited to see what shape Laurie's home videos will take. I very much appreciated the teasing callbacks to her past, many, many chapters ago.


From how the reacted to the invitations, it would be nice to see the girls approach their appearance on the show differently. Alice with a girdle trying to show she'd be willing to loose weight, Jen happy with current self and Laurie showing off that she is the biggest of the group (and should receive the most attention) by coming stuffed to burst.


Somebody pop some champagne because this is a moment worth celebrating. It's almost hard to believe we're actually here, that we've reached triple digits, and yet there it is, chapter 100. You've dedicated so much time and effort to this series. I'm always excited to see a new chapter drop, but then once it's here, I realize I have to wait another month to learn what happens next. It's a testament to your writing because I can't help but want more, especially since the long-awaited return of Nikki Lake. I believe her show was only featured in one chapter, but damn did it leave a lasting impact. ------------------------ “Next on Nikki Lake: Help! I weigh 1000 pounds!” “Laurie, do we have to watch this?” complained Frank. “This is boring.” “Shhh, Frank, the good part is coming up. Just watch.” Laurie shushed her bored boyfriend before bursting into hysterics as, on TV, Nikki Lake’s stage hands wheeled out an enormous blob of a girl, a shapeless mass of blubber in a straining mumu. “Oh my GAWD, look at that cow,” laughed Laurie, popping another cookie into her mouth. “She’s so fat and lazy they have to wheel her out there! And look at that mumu! That’s probably the only thing that will fit around that hog’s fat ass! Can you believe that anyone would let themselves get that big?” “So Ramona, how did this happen to you?” asked hostess Nikki Lake, patting the obese girl’s hand and looking into her eyes with practiced talk show hostess sympathy. “I don’t know,” mumbled the girl, her jowels wobbling as she talked. The girl was so enormous, so swaddled in blubber, that her neck disappeared amongst rolls of flab, making her looking like one giant ball of dough. “I wasn’t always like this. But I just started eating and I couldn’t stop. I can’t help myself. It’s all I ever think about… I crave it sooo much. I just want to eat and eat and never stop!” “That’s what happens to girls with no self-control,” sputtered Laurie through a mouthful of Oreos. ------------------------ More than anything, I've been hoping for the day that Laurie Belmontes herself rolls out onto that stage in a muumuu and on a mobility scooter. To see Laurie mirror that moment will be amazing. That, and for her to to come clean and make it publicly known that she not only loves being fat, but that she is getting fat on purpose. We're not quite there, though we seem to be on the precipice. I absolutely loved the conversation about how she used to get so pissed at even someone hinting she might have gained weight, which leads to her saying, "“Hmmm, things are different now,” sighed Laurie. “I’m not hiding anything. I need people to know. Gawd, I want everyone to know… Laurie Belmontes is the biggest!" As always, it's just so hot to read about her old self compared to her new self, the knowledge of who she was and what she has become, how much she's "grown" as a character. From what I understand, for all intents and purposes, Laurie is essentially immobile, right? Her technique of rocking back forth to ride the momentum out of bed didn't last too long because she can longer physically get out of bed without help. I mean, holy shit... She used to be a cheerleader capable of doing flips! Some of my predictions have been right, others wrong. Here's a few more, or just wishful thinking. For the Nikki Lake appearance, I am very confident that Laurie and the other girls will be weighed live. It's been mentioned that Laurie doesn't have a scale up to the task, so this situation seems ideal for it, especially if it can be confirmed that Laurie is the fattest girl in the world. Given that you mentioned secrets will be revealed shortly, and that Nikki Lake has been described as a somewhat trashy interview show, I can see Nikki throwing some tough gotcha questions around about how they became so fat, which may result in Jen feeling the pressure and coming clean about the plan to fatten Alice up. If Laurie truly means that she is no longer hiding the truth about how she loves being fat and wants to be fatter, there could not be a more perfect place to make such an announcement. Everyone would know what she has become. I'm not certain this will happen, but fuck I hope it does. If Nikki starts talking about how Laurie is now the fattest girl in their school's history, it could lead into the introduction of surprise guest Natalie McTaggart, who is now either fatter than Laurie or has lost a large amount of weight. A meeting of the two fattest girls in their school's history.


Thanks for the kind wishes! That's some good speculation... I don't want to say too much (especially since my plans are often very malleable and tend to change on a whim) but I think the shape of things too come is pretty obvious at this point! You've got a pretty good handle on some of the big events, although I will say that Laurie probably won't get that big, at least not yet. I like having her right at the very edge of immobility, perhaps functionally immobile but still capable of getting around if she puts her mind to it, just cuz I find the struggle so sexy. But there's definitely going to be a big spectacle! :)


Yes, the struggle is so very, very sexy. Also, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but is this a "Producing Parker" reference: “My name is Parker and I’m a producer for the Nikki Lake Show." That show featured one of the best cartoon weight gains.


Yup, you guessed it! I figured as long as I was adding a producer character, might as well make it a fun easter egg XD


Could a pregnancy belly support band be something that either Alice or Laurie would use ?