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This is it. It's finally here. The night of the big game... and Laurie's plan is finally coming to fruition. What is it? What's she got planned? Well, why don't you read it right now and find out! Alice, Jen, and Laurie are putting it all on display and showing EXACTLY how much attention this trio of heavyweights can attract.

Hope you all enjoy this one! It's a little silly, but you all probably know how much I like that by now XP



That was awesome! Alice's cheer was especially adorable.


No doubt about it now, these beautiful behemoths OWN their obesity. :D Loved Jen's cheer especially. Can I get a "Woooo!" for Jen's Big, Massive Ass?


I quite enjoyed this chapter. The big cheer didn't play out the way I had expected it would, which was for it to be a train wreck of embarrassment, but this isn't a bad thing. Laurie, Jen, and Alice went out there and not only flaunted their curves, they owned them. They proudly declared to the entire school, to the internet, to everyone that, "We're unashamedly fat, and you should celebrate us for that." They've cemented their new morbidly obese identities, as well as their school legacy. When students discuss Laurie Belmontes, both now and years from now, they'll think of her not as the bombshell beauty queen and hardass cheer captain; no, they'll think of that night, think of her as the 600 lb "hungry hungry cheerleader." There's no going back. This is who she is now. Since she's now starting to document her gain, I imagine she's going to marvel at all the videos and photos people took of her from that night, and the potential comments attached. This chapter is a big turning point in the story, and more than ever, I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen next. The crowd's general reaction to their routine seemed very positive, but just as the last paragraph touches on, the question is whether or not that positivity will persist. Hard to say. As always, however, my favorite aspect of the chapter was Laurie's dedicated section. Her story is the reason I keep coming back to read and reread. I certainly look forward to her scenes the most. What details stood out the most in this chapter? Well, I like how her eating takes precedence over her cheerleading--she even grunts as she eats, which is one step away from actually oinking. She knows fully well that she shouldn't be snacking before a routine because it can negatively affect performance, but she simply doesn't care: "Well, somehow that age-old truism, passed down through generations of high school cheerleaders, just didn’t seem that important anymore. Not for her." It's like cheerleading all together is becoming less and less important to her. The question is whether or not she sticks with it. Frankly, I'm hoping she someday soon makes the life changing decision to quit cheerleading all together, but maybe the positive reaction she got from her fat cheer will embolden her to keep going. I especially enjoyed how Laurie recognizes that she is essentially one of the fattest people on planet, and perhaps THE fattest cheerleader in world history. It won't be long now till she appears on Nikki Lake. I wouldn't be surprised if videos of the "hungry hungry" cheer captain went viral, and Laurie got a call from Nikki Lake herself about appearing on the show. Then, there were little details like how she always to always tilt her head back to accommodate the size of her double chin. Her face is drowning in fat at this point, so much so, that she must surely be utterly unrecognizable. I always love when Laurie's limited mobility is highlighted, and the following quote is probably my favorite part of the whole chapter: "This was her second tub today and she still wasn’t satisfied. But it’s not like she could just stand up and walk to the kitchen and get herself another tub! At 600 pounds, Laurie’s mobility was severely restricted. When she wasn’t at school, she rarely left her own room at home. She might make one or two expeditions in a day, to the bathroom or to the kitchen, but otherwise she planted her monstrous ass on her bed and just ate and watched TV all day." As well as how Laurie now has to rock back and forth to get enough momentum just to lift herself off her bed. Talk about at true "My 600-Lb. Life" moment. Thank you for writing this and for continuing to write this story in general. If it isn't abundantly clear already, I eagerly and genuinely look forward to each new chapter.


Thanks, I'm glad you like it! And you might have just guessed some of the stuff to come... XD

Tory Williams

This was wonderful!~ Hopefully now everybody at school starts to constantly bring them food!


Damn, now this was a great surprise. I was actually caught off guard by how soon the big performance was, and while I expected something more humiliating, I found that this performance was just as good, and maybe even better (although I have no doubt you could write that well too!). The opening section was a nice intercut between the three to showcase exactly what makes them unique, and while I think Alice may be catching up to Laurie in the weight department, all three of the girls certainty showcased their gains well. Personally, I actually think that this showcase might make Alice actually more of a glutton and even more greedy, given that it seems to have taken a bit out of the guilt and self-consciousness she previously felt about her weight. I could easily even see her stuffing even more in public, and using her scooter around school just as much as Laurie, and with Laurie's scooter nearly breaking, I could easily see Alice become the resident mobility scooter cheerleader, while Laurie's is relegated to walking/waddling until she can get her own approval for another scooter. Perhaps this is just me showing my favoritism for Alice, but I think that's natural when you've done her *so well* in this update. The saga continues, and it still continues to be great!


Thanks! I'm so glad you like it :D And we're gonna be building up to some humiliation too later on...


"Laurie purred to herself, a satisfied sound deep in her throat, as she ran her pudgy, sausage fingers over the arc of her tremendous belly, so tremendous that her belly button was far out of her reach now. " That game me an idea. What if Jen’s little sister Jesse puts a belt onto Laurie while she is snoozing on the couch and taunts her that she couldn't even take it off without help anymore but Laurie is determined to just burst it by outgrowing it. 😉