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Tired of always being seen as just another fat girl, Rhonda decides to undergo an experimental nanite treatment that will redistribute her fat to give her killer curves -- huge boobs, a round ass, and perfect legs. As the nanites continue to do their work on her new body, Rhonda decides to use her new zaftig look to her advantage at work while her lesbian roommate schemes to turn Rhonda to her own tastes.

Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rhonda-adjusts-1-3713280



Could you include a link to the original in your multichapter stories? It can be hard digging through all the creator posts to find them sometimes.


Oh that's a good idea, thanks! I edited the post with a link to the first part. Sorry for the inconvenience :)


I really liked this one, which is a testament to your writing ability. Rhonda isn't getting properly fat yet. And yet, the way you write her eating and her habits and her appetite gets me going a whole lot. MORE PLEASE