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Hey all, happy new year! A little early, I know, but I might be too busy to actually say anything on New Year's proper. I'm a little burned out right now, because I've been dealing with friends and family for the last few weeks (That's the holidays for ya!). Unfortunately, that means I haven't been able to get into the right headspace to do as much writing as I'd like. I do still have a few stories in the works (I'm usually working on about 4-5 at any given time) as well as the next text game and some more exciting collaboration plans with Jelliroll, but I'm a bit stumped for good new ideas at the moment.

Which means, as I always do when I run dry, I'm going to ask YOU guys for suggestions. If there's anything you especially want to read, please post a comment. I'm not putting any restrictions on suggestions, so just tell me what your heart desires XD If your suggestions fire my creative imagination, then I just might add it to my list of things to do! Thanks for your help!:)



Unaware weight gain during a massage. Girl gains weight every night, when she wakes up, the world and everyone around her is as though she had aways been around that large. Perhaps because of a curse she is violating without knowing and she tries to figure it out while her life and relationships (and urges) change. Fat girl tricks a thin girl into exchanging weights, woman has to deal with nearly being immobile and suffering hunger while looking at her former impossible figure strut her stuff. Maybe have her tease the scared new fatty.


A good old fashioned weight gaining contest. I know I posted the suggestion to redo/remake the abandoned "Ice Cream Girls" story to your DA account, but I'm not sure if you saw it. Even just taking that idea (two pregnant girls decide to see who can gain the most weight in 9 months time) and putting your own spin on it would be fantastic! Cheers to a great 2016, MC!

Juzza Girl

There's always the oldies but goodies. Whatever happened to our titular character from Nadine's Just Desserts? How far into hedonism did Judy fall in her story about college and cake? Personally, I'm a fan of stories where the main character is ballooning to ridiculous sizes, but they're still convinced they aren't THAT huge or maybe even fully convinced that they haven't gained anything.


A what if scenario where Jen, Alice, and Laurie has become such gluttonous blobs that they're all weighing over half a ton yet are completely mobile and terrorize an all you can eat buffet


How do you go beyond missy* I ask for anything from her, all I get is that doesn't work. The dresser doesn't have any clothes either.


are you still in the opening room? Wear the shirt in the dresser and you should be able to get out of the room.


My Athletic Friend was always one of my favorite wg stories. A continuation of that could be nice!


My Athletic Friend was always one of my favorite wg stories. A continuation of that could be nice!


And I didn't expect 'enter' to automatically submit the comment... Another idea could be a continuation of Balloon Troubles where Rene survived and now wants to try inflating someone else.


You have been posting lots of really great new stuff recently. Looking forward to 2016!


I'd love to see more Stacy, either with her getting bigger, or a prequel. I've got a couple ideas about those, haha. There could be a story of a wife and a cheating husband. The husband and his mistress start gaining weight and getting fat, the wife berating him about his weight a lot, until she catches them in the act and decides on revenge. Young ditz is at a party and is chowing down, a mean girl makes fun of her saying she should slow down unless she's trying to be a competitive eater. The young ditz totally misunderstands, and tries to enter competitions and train, to really poor results for her figure. A what if story where Laurie and Jen fall in love in high school. Which ones gets fat, do both, do they like it? I don't know!


I think a story centered around setting would be interesting. What if you were a fly on the wall of Pizza by the Pound? Who would visit, how big are the clientele, that sort of thing. One minute Laurie visits Frank at work, another Jen comes in and makes a commotion. I'm not sure how clear I'm being, but I just think it'd be neat.