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After I wrote a few chapters to conclude the Preggy Peggy series, a few people suggested trying to draw another unfinished saga to close: Kelli's Big Belly.  This is another one of my old favorites, by an unknown author, from long ago.  This one was a bit of  challenge for me, but I rather like the way it turned out! I'm posting it at the $1 level, because I might eventually post it on my Deviantart account.

Kelli is a young, massively pregnant woman whose belly has grown enormous, bringing her both pleasure -- since she enjoys the attention it brings her from admiring men -- but also trouble -- in the form of a jealous co-worker.  You can read the first six chapters of Kelli's Big Belly (which are not written by me) on the Dimensions website: http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/dimtext/stories/kelli.html

Hope you enjoy!


Drew meza

So happy you brought this classic back. Really hope you continue the story and have her grow even fatter