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Hello, everyone! I hope that you're all staying safe and healthy in these scary times. Things have been very strange over here in the Mollycoddles' household. Unfortunately, my job has shut down for the foreseeable future so I'm currently unemployed. My partner luckily still has her job, so we're not destitute... but it's a frightening situation to be in! I'm sure that many of you can relate.

During these times, I am relying much more on the money that I make here through Patreon and also through my Amazon sales, so I want to thank all of you who continue to support me and all you new backers as well! It means a lot to me even in good times and, of course, even more so in these uncertain ones! (That said, I understand that some of you might encounter financial difficulties of your own in the near future. If you ever have to reduce or halt your pledges, I completely understand! No one owes any sort of explanation or should feel guilty for having to make that choice.)

Anyway, the good news is that I've had a lot more time for writing and I hope that you folks will enjoy some of the stories I've got lined up for the coming months! It also means I've been able to burn through some of the ideas I've had on the backburner... which is awesome! But also means that I need new inspiration.

Does anyone know any good new BBW/weight gain media that inspires you? Doesn't have to be adult oriented, although of course adult stuff is always good! Let me know! :)

Alternatively, if anyone has any ideas or story seeds that they'd like me to write, feel free to drop them in the comments here! I can't guarantee I'm pick up every idea, but I'm always interested in hearing suggestions. Please note that I've got future Alice chapters pretty solidly laid out, so I'm more looking for ideas regarding unrelated or noncanon stories!



Maybe some stories involving asian ladies putting on some serious weight. Maybe due to some kind of culture shock when moving to the US. Our portions being a bit bigger than other countries.


It's really tough to reccomend BBW media since it's such a personal thing if you enjoy it or not. As for stories, you could go for a girl quarantining herself with huge amounts of food, and when the time comes to leave the house, she realises she doesn't have any clothes that fit; and she can't even fit through the front door?


One idea I always thought would be fun was a young Latina whose parents own a chain of Mexican restaurants who has been indulging more or less since birth and has to enlist friends to keep indulging since she’s nearly immobile.


I think doing some male wg/stuffing stories could be neat. Or atleast mutual weight gain. Maybe a guy who's girlfriend loves him so much that she cooks a feast for him every night, and won't let him go until every last crumb is gone.....

Norm Horseman

I really enjoyed the Laurie fat giantess dream sequence story, would definitely love more of that!

Rhys Lawson

You could always do some girls dealing with the quarantine and the weight gain likely to result. After all... With healthy foods usually being restricted in stores and now rationed... All those unhealthy snacks get cheap, and, more importantly... Can have a lot of them bought up. Add in the isolation of a lockdown with an exception for essentials... And you've got a perfect excuse for women to balloon with blubber!!


I would love stories about the girl Jen has taken under her wing start a new "diet" and get a new feeder boyfriend on the football team...between Jen and her new boyfriend, she practically inflates with fat! Also, a sequel to the spring break story where Jen won the booty contest but she has more competition after the other prior contestants from the prior year have really fattened up. Also, a side story where basically the entire football team in the locker room realizes they are all feeders and they place a friendly wager to see who can get their gf to gain the most weight in a month.


Also, a mini series where five really thin college girls in a sorority challenge themselves to camp at the mansion of a scientists who died years ago...but his ghost shows up and force feeds/fattens each of them until they all weigh over 400 pounds! They all get far differently (i.e. one gets strapped to a feeding chair and has a pearl shape, or or gets bound to the wall with a tube connected to a large vat of weight gain formula and gains an hourglass shape, etc.) The ghost also does other experiments where by the end of the night, each of the girls are incredibly horny, love their new bodies, and can't wait to gain even more weight.


I just had a thought while re-reading the Bettina story. How about a story about the Black Market in Shelium, where a female king-pin figure who sells Shelium makes an example of a female employee who she has caught skimming from the till and the Shelium by filling said employee up until she pops, in front of the rest of the work force. Just an idea. :)


2 bbws tired of being on lock down attempt to escape there house but there’s plan is Halted when one of them becomes stuck in the escape


A wannable Instagram model who cant gain a following, so she tries to gain popularity by jumping on the body positivity trend by gaining some weight. As she gains weight, she gains followers, but as time goes on, she becomes concerned that other rising models on the scene will become more popular thsn her, so try to set herself apart, she gains even more weight. Eventually, she goes from being body positive to fat positive and eventually seen as someone glorifying morbid obesity as she buys a scooter and begins focusing on mukbang videos.

John FD Lobrano

How about a story where Laurie, Alice, and Jen take complete advantage of the fact they're quarantined in the Savory's house. ;)

Tory Williams

Maybe I let my imagination go crazy with this one, but I honestly thought the reason Laurie was not in Cultural Exchange because she was going to get her own chapter in a part 2. But unlike the others, she’s somewhere where they adore large women. Causing her to be constantly brought food. Eventually she would call all her feeders and insist they move to where she is, because she shocks them on a video call, all this eating making her have reached even beyond 800 pounds, totally immobile. Of course she has loved her growth and only wants more!

Norm Horseman

I really enjoyed your giantess stuff, more of that would be great!