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Betty Jo thought that if she could just gain enough weight to join the circus as a fat lady, she could finally get out of this one horse country town. Her sister Ginger was eager to help -- maybe just a little TOO eager. As Betty Jo continues to balloon into an ever bigger, more bulging blimp under her sister's care, she begins to wonder if she hasn't made a terrible mistake in trusting Ginger. How fat will she be by the time that Ginger finally decides that she's fat enough?



Need more Country Stuffin! Such a fantastic narrative :D

Juzza Girl

Love the story and the dynamic going on with the sisters, but I had a hard time getting an idea as to Betty Jo's size. I know she's bigger than her family now and moving's getting a bit difficult, but there's not much else to go off of. She's definitely big, though and I can't wait for the next chapter.


Thanks, Mal! She should be getting pretty big by this point, probably edging up on the 400 lb she needs to meet her goal. I'll try to add some more indicators in the next chapter. :)