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Laurie and Frank have some fun after hours doing roleplay in the school nurse's office... and things get even spicier when Abida joins them. Both Laurie and Frank have hit their highest weights yet, but Laurie has plans to go even higher... and with two very eager feeder/lovers to help her, who know just how humongous this whale of a girl is going to get before the end?



Laurie has been a definite favourite for a while now. Can’t wait to see how much her weight takes hold as she gets more restricted by her size

Tory Williams

Can’t lie, was really hoping she would be much bigger than last time ><


Laurie's sections are wholeheartedly what I look forward to the most and why I keep coming back to this series. I think part of what lends to them being so hot and rewarding is that her arc has had real build up and dramatic change for the character. Alice and Jen have stayed more or less the same. Sure, Alice is a little more confident and Jen a little more independent, but for Laurie, her whole identity has been knocked down and built back up in a way that makes her unrecognizable from her former self. Who doesn't love a good role reversal? In mind and body, she's become a true fatass, one who revels in gluttony and hedonism at all costs. Her transformation is so extreme that it's sometimes hard wrap your head around.


I mean, she's closer to a 1000 pounds than she is her initial 100 or so. I especially loved the implication of how riding in a mobility scooter will only make her lazier, and in turn, fatter. That, and the moment when she groans and sweats at having to stand up on her own two feet for the first time all day. Highlighting her challenged mobility like that really works for me, so great job!