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Hey everyone, I'm happy to say that it looks like we've reached the 500 goal! I didn't expect that to happen so fast and I haven't even finished the 400 kiriban yet... Guess I better get to work!

I'm going to hold off on starting the game until it's confirmed that we actually have met the 500 goal, though. I get a lot of "fake" accounts signining up with declined credit cards, so often the number stated on the front page is artifically inflated. I don't like to be a stickler, but I really get annoyed if Patreon tells people I'm making $500 if, after all the declined credit cards are accounted for, I'm actually only making $300 (and thats before Patreon and Paypal fees). So I hope you guys don't mind if I wait until after this month's payment to see if it's really time to start on the game. Even if we don't make it this time, it does look like we're getting close and it should happen soon. Exciting times! :) I guess I need to start thinking up a game premise... XD

Thanks for all your support! :)



So how is thes going?


It took a while, but I'm finally finishing it now! I should have it posted pretty soon, I hope!