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We had a few good suggestions about how to celebrate the 400 milestone (I liked the idea of making another game, but when I looked into it I realized that it would be way too long and involved to be able to do in a timely manner... I set that for the 500 goal, so that will actually give me some time to plan it out before if/when that happenes). But I think I've finally figured out something that should be fun for 400.

I'm going to write a custom story for you the people! Obviously there's no way that I could meet the tastes of every single one of you... there's too many of you! :) But here's what I'd like to ask you to do:

Post a suggestion for a story that you'd like to see as a comment to this post. It can be anything -- no limits and you can be as detailed (or not) as you'd like. Anyone can post as many suggestions as they would like. If you like a suggestion, leave a reply to that comment. Every reply to a post will be counted as one vote for that suggestion. The suggestion with the most votes will be the winner -- and I'll write it up as a story!

(You can vote for multiple suggestions, but keep in mind that only the one with the MOST votes will be written)

Thanks for participating!

EDIT: This will be open until midnight PST on 9/8/15.



How about a semi-canonical Alice story where a junior girl wants to take over as head cheerleader, on the grounds of how fat the cheer squad's gotten in Laurie's tenure. Laurie has to defend herself in front of the athletes committee, but her efforts are in vain as, one by one, her fellow cheerleaders show up, each fatter than the last, reaching the breaking point when Alice and Jen come in. Laurie's booted from captain, while the new girl takes her place. While the others aren't sad to see Laurie gone, the entire squad agrees that being expected to exercise is out of the question. Thus, discovering that the new girl has a month/semester to prove herself, the squad spends that time getting new girl as fat as possible to blow her chances.


I might be being a tad unimaginative here, but I would love to see more of our Thick Three, Alice Jen and Laurie. Here's a fairly basic idea; When they have all turned 21, our cheery trio meet up to have a sleepover like the good old days. There's plenty of snacks and a touch of booze. Alcohol loosens all of their lips as they talk about their sex lives with their partners a little more, and their desires. As they eventually fall asleep, stuffed and buzzed, they each have a dream that shamelessly fulfills their deepest fantasies. They each imagine themselves as the stick thin twigs they used to be, and over the course of the night they end up blowing up like balloons in the ways they most desire. Jen pops into a tight hole and gorges herself until she can't fit back out, Laurie grows huge milky breasts that are literally worshipped, Alice is fed by a host of servants; you get the idea. We've seen similiar things before in the series, but I think it would be interesting to see how they react to these things when they're a little more mature. I want to see how Alice would feel if she got back her figure from chapter 1 after all these years. How would she feel? By that age she's probably totally forgotten what it was like to see her toes. Likewise for Laurie and not having an aching back, or Jen not having to turn to go through doors. We could then see them grow and enjoy it in this fantasy world of the night.... I think something along these lines would be fun, perhaps with a few tweaks.


I am in agreement about a story involving the Big Three. Alice, Jen, and Laurie. I feel like they should be in their late 20's or early 30's, and end up talking about Jen and the pie eating contest. There is a big fair coming up, and in a lark, they decide to all train for it and see who is the best eater of the 3. After months of preparation and many pounds, the big day comes and eat lots and lots of pie. Who knows who will win! :)


How about working a MILFy angle in - what would Laurie, Jen and Alice's mom's be like?


Hi there, I was wondering if you could write a progressive alternate reality stories, where some girls are gaining weight progressively and are obvilious to this, reality... So that their personnality/bahaviour change with the added weight. Like for example Jay Tee's story "Big friends" : <a href="http://jaytee-faartist.deviantart.com/art/Big-Friends-Unfinished-1of3-166742519" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://jaytee-faartist.deviantart.com/art/Big-Friends-Unfinished-1of3-166742519</a>