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Happy New Year! In honor of the New Year, I thought it would be nice to have a little New Year's Jubilee... so I decided I'd make one of my favorite older premium stories available to $1 subscribers as an extra this month in addition to our usual monthly updates. But which story? Well, there are a few that I really like... But I'll let you folks pick which one you'd most like to read!

Blossoming Freshmen - Missy is a trans woman starting her first year at college. She's just begun treatment on an experimental new hormone with good results... but her roommate is becoming jealous of Missy's growing chest. What happens when queen bitch Erin decides that she wants an extra boost up top too? This is a breast-focused story with sex, mild weight gain, and big massive billowing boobies! XP

50 Pounds a Day - Naomi is a curvy young black woman who has just moved to a white bread suburban neighborhood with her husband; she thinks that she needs to shed some of her extra pounds and lose her distracting curves if the local housewives are going to accept her. But then her neighbor McKenzie introduces her to her new book club and a very special book called '50 Pounds a Day.'

I Could Just Eat You Up - In honor of the holiest day of the year, I present to you this ghoulishly grisly little treat, a tasty candy delight with a rotten nasty tooth-decaying core! I wanted to do something a little creepy for this spooky day, so beware -- this story involves psychological manipulation, very unhealthy habits, and perhaps a little bit of implied cannibalism... It's about a very greedy girl who gets her worst habits indulged by someone... or someTHING... that maybe doesn't have her best interests at heart. Enjoy but BEWARE!!! Mwa hahahahaha *thunder crashes*

Eat Those Gopher Cakes till you Explode - All across the country, greedy young ladies can't get enough of that delicious new snack food -- Gopher Cakes. Of course, eating too much can have real consequences for the waistline... and eating WAY too much can have even worse consequences! Two greedy gluttonous girls, Amy and Brooke, are only the latest victims of the Gopher Cake craze, stuffing their faces with delicious pastry goodness far beyond reason or sanity... But how much can a girl hold before she just goes pop? This is a wacky fantasy story involving overeating, weight gain, inflation, and popping based both an idea suggested by a friend AND an old PSA commercial that some of you may remember. You can find it on Youtube, I'm sure.


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