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Hey everyone! I just noticed that we're only $9 short of $400. And wow! This is really exciting, I never expected to find so much support from the community for my writing projects.  This is really exciting!  I hate to sound like a broken record, but I do hope that all of you realize how much this means to me.  I started this Patreon as a lark, hoping that it might help me out with a few monthly bills but I didn't really expect much.  But your support has really helped me to devote more time to writing.

Anyway, since we're so close to $400, I feel like I ought to offer some sort of bonus stretch goal for when we hit that number.  I just don't know what I can offer, since there's not much I can do besides write.

So I'll ask you guys, any ideas of what I should do to celebrate $400, if and when it happens? :)



Hmmm.... you're already writing very fast, so there's not a great deal I can think of that you could do in addition. Perhaps taking some suggestions from Patrons for a story? I don't know.


Congrats Molly Coddles! I've been really enjoying the new content ;) The additions to Tia were amazing!


I would basically say keep up the good work - your recent new story posts are excellent!

Mike Mike

I know it probably won't happen, but I'd kill to see another game. The fat camp one was one of the best interactive pieces of content I've seen for this particular set of interests.

Mike Mike

I know it probably won't happen, but I'd kill to see another game. The fat camp one was one of the best interactive pieces of content I've seen for this particular set of interests.


Oh that's a good idea! It does take a while to build one of those games, so not sure I could finish it before we hit the kiriban number. But maybe it's worth trying!

Robert Streeter

Feel bad about necroposting here, but where is this game located? I just joined recently, but I would really like to check this fat camp game out.