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Hey all!  I want to thank you all for all your support :)

In addition to Alice 36, I've been working -- off and on -- on a few other half-baked ideas.  I thought I would turn it over to you guys to see which one I should bring to fruition first.  Any preferences?  Just leave a comment below with your choice!

1 -- A sexy student is jealous of the attention the class gives their voluptuous teacher and decides SHE'S going to eat her way to mega-curves, prompting an all-out expansion war between teacher and student.

2 -- A young woman trying to lose a few pounds around the waist gets an experimental nanite treatment that allows her body to redistribute fat, resulting in an extremely voluptuous new figure.

3 -- A country gal despairs of every getting out of this one-horse flyspeck town, until she realizes that the visiting circus is looking for a new fat lady.  Now she has one year to gorge herself into obesity to fit the bill. 

4 -- A fan-fiction for one of my favorite authors Samster2, about a future event where an adult Laurie meets his charming Texas Milf Debbie.  Two arrogant bloated divas with hyper curves and packed girdles sqaure off.

5 -- A concluding sequel to one of my favorite stories by another author, Preggy Peggy, where Peggy adds even more inches to her already mammoth belly and her husband shows her just how much he appreciates it.

Thanks for your feedback!






1 sounds super interesting, but I'm going to have to go with 2, sounds fun and potentially super hot.

Andrew Fawcett

I like number 1, but what I'd really like to see you finish is Nadine's Just Desserts. Either that, or get taku the wanderer to cough up his versions and put those up. I'm just being cheeky though, any of these would be nice!

Brittany Bovine

1 sounds awesome and hot! But 2 and 3 are pretty goo ideas too. 4 would be good after you're finished with Alice for good.

Brent White

Preggy Peggy was one of my all-time favorites, I'd love to see what you can do to finish or add to it.

Tory Williams

I really like the idea of 3 and the girl getting so huge she gets the attention of the circus and they have to hire the immobile fat girl.


1. Or any that end with bursting


3-1 tho i think it has more to do with how far along u are with them


Number 1 or 3 for sure


Number 1 or 4 plz!!


4 or 1

Drew meza

5! That's a classic