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For most of my writing career, I've always written stories that specifically scratch my own itch but I do try to be responsive to reader input. I hate to think that what I like to see might not be what readers want, though, so I've formulated a very quick survey to help me understand what you lot are jonesing for :)  If you have a minute and any strong opinions, I would appreciate if you answered the below questions just so I can better serve my patrons.  Thanks so much for all your feedback & support! :)



What do you like about my writing? What keeps you here as a patron?

What do you dislike about my writing?

What would you like to see more of?

What would you like to see less of?



First of all, don't stop doing what you're doing! Writing for yourself is great! But I love the way you write, there's a certain innocent charm to it that I can't describe. I love your characters, I stick around for Laurie and Jen. I'd love to see more experimenting with other kinks. Bloating, Lactation, and gassiness, have all come up in your work before, and in particular it'd be fun to see a gassy Jen once in a while, in a side story or otherwise. To see less of, I would have to say the long-running mobility scooter storyline in Alice. Personally it's too much of a reminder of real life health problems, and isn't exciting to me at all. But you keep doing what you do! You do it so well!


What do you like about my writing? -Descriptions And inner dialogue. What keeps you here as a patron? -Early Alice chapters. What do you dislike about my writing? -Nothing! What would you like to see more of? -Huge gains in realistic time frames and Laurie becoming even fatter! What would you like to see less of? -Dream sequences. P.S I love the real life health impact aspects in your work.


Hi! Huge fan! Q: What do you like about my writing? What keeps you here as a patron? A: You have a unique voice and are really good at setting up scenes and character dynamics. I really appreciate the way you lay out scenarios and describe them. What keeps me as a patron is probably the early access to your works. I like getting those notifications when you post a new story. Livens up my day! Q: What do you dislike about my writing? A: Nothing really! Keep it up!! You're really good at it and super talented. Q: What would you like to see more of? A: Honestly, I love when you write gassy characters. I know I'm biased and very likely alone here (I wrote this before I read the other responses), but I wish your fat characters passing gas was more of a consistent thing in your stories. I very much enjoy revisiting Alice 42 because of this. Probably my favorite entry in the series. Also, immobility! I feel like the logical conclusion for Alice, Jen, and Laurie is immobility, but even in flash forwards (which may or may not be canon) they don't seem to gain much beyond where they are in the main story. I've been hoping to see them eventually graduate into immobility, but I get the sense you're not really into immobility. Which is totally cool! Just my two cents. Q: What would you like to see less of? A: Inflation stuff. Again, I'm probably alone, and I'm sure it's something you really enjoy, as do your other fans. It's just not something I'm personally into, so that's my honest answer. I'm more into weight gain/fatness/feedery stuff. But by all means, do you!! I'm just answering the question. :)

Bob the Builder

What do you like about my writing? What keeps you here as a patron? I love the WG writing that you do -- the descriptiveness and the details are what really sell it. What do you dislike about my writing? I'm more of a straight WG/XWG fan, with a love for fatness, extreme fatness, and feederism. Not as much of a fan of lactation/gassy/inflation/other kinks in that way, but that's just me. You do enough stuff that I do like that it's not a big deal to me. What would you like to see more of? I'm actually a fan of both male and female XWG -- both together, as perhaps a competition, and of a skinny woman going full feederism on a guy. Also a guy packing on accidental pounds while feeding a girl. But yeah, I still love female XWG first and foremost. What would you like to see less of? See what I dislike about your writing -- I sorta answered this question there. But again, that's MY personal preference, and hey, you're doing the heavy lifting as the creative writer

Rhys Lawson

Long time reader of your works, MC, since back in the old Dimensions Magazine site days. "What do you like about my writing? What keeps you here as a patron?" Frankly, it's girls getting fat and it's been fun and interesting. Your characters are all relatable and it's a fine little world of hefty girls you've made. "What do you dislike about my writing?" In terms of your writing style, I have no objections. But I do dislike that you sometimes don't manage to fully proofread your works for some spelling mistakes. What would you like to see more of? If I'm personally honest, I'd love to see more of Doctor Richards and her 'sessions' with the girls, especially Laurie. "What would you like to see less of?" For me, I've never been a fan of the popping bad ends. I've always found that rather an upset for me which can ruin a good piece.


1. The continuity of characters in slow but steady (realistic) weight gain progression is a huge draw. Seeing those characters in a number of scenarios that have vast appeal across a number of WG-related kinks is pretty cool and sometimes clues me into fantasies I didn’t realize I could get into. 2. Some of the more fantastical elements are not as fun for me (dreams, magic, inflation/rapid gain). 3. I’d like to see more mild humiliation through fat shaming, stuck scenarios, and out of shape struggles! Dr. Richards should have made Jen bend down and grab her phone herself! ;) 4. Personally I like where the girls are at in their WG progression and could enjoy many more installments at this phase of their lives! I hope they continue to be mobile/limited mobility for those amazing struggle descriptions I come here for.


Q. What do you like about my writing? A. I always enjoy the way you write the greedy gluttons like Alice who don't want to get any fatter but love eating too much to stop. The descriptions of their love of eating are easily one of my favorite things in wg prose period. Q. What keeps you here as a patron? A. Honestly, the Alice has been my favorite wg series since I started reading them, and while their infrequency made them even more of a treat, the months to year hiatus was a bit disheartening. Whenever you started a patreon, I was more than happy to support their consistent creation. Q. What do you dislike about my writing? A. There can be some inconsistencies at times, the most notable to me being Amber's shift from 500 to 300. Q. What would you like to see more of? A. Storyline wise, maybe the girls interacting with their peers more, like hanging out with the other cheerleaders or going to parties. More physical contact would be good to see. Belly rubs, pinches, spanks, or even someone poking the girls and teasing them for how fat they are. Some of the more minor details about their increasing size might be interesting as well. The girls are getting really big these days, so are they getting too fat for desks at school or one person beds? How many weight limits are they starting to exceed? Will one one girl's start to develop a third chin or will one start developing more rolls while the other just stays round, stuff like that. Q. What would you like to see less of? A. Some of the retcons were a bit confusing to me, so maybe if there's gonna be a change, like the other cheerleaders returning to their old weights, maybe show it a bit more instead of keeping it behind the scenes. Looking forward to whatever comes next, regardless of what it is!


What do you like about my writing? What keeps you here as a patron? I like how descriptive you are about how fat each character is and gets. I also like the stories about popping and massive rapid weight gain. What do you dislike about my writing? The slob and lazy stuff. What would you like to see more of? Sci-fi fantasy, force feeding and force weight gain (sometimes consensual sometimes not), more sexual scenes between characters. What would you like to see less of? No slob or vore.


What do you like about my writing? What keeps you here as a patron? - You're awesome, stories are creative, well thought out and edited, and most of all the language you use is incredibly sexy and erotic. What do you dislike about my writing? - Nothing What would you like to see more of? - Been loving a lot of the most recent stories with little dream and fantasy scenarios, letting the mind wander into "forbidden extremes" etc. What would you like to see less of? - Nothing. As long as you enjoy what you're writing then it'll be a good read.


What do you like about my writing? What keeps you here as a patron? I like almost everything of your writing. You are very good with descriptions and I adore the Alice series more than any other WG story or comic or anything. So as long as you keep writing it, I will keep reading it. What do you dislike about my writing? Not much. The minor spelling/grammar mistakes sometimes or some of the few continuity bloops. But all that is rare and usually not a huge deal. What would you like to see more of? LAURIE! Lol. I tease, I tease. I definitely like chapters with a little more sexy stuff in them. Frank and Laurie are a great gaining pair and I love reading about him as well as her. Fat humiliation is always amazing, so when that is in a chapter I tend to gravitate toward those. Dr. Richards is some of your best with that, so more of her would be fun, particularly in what-if scenarios or things set in the future. I could go on for hours of what I'd like to see more of. What would you like to see less of? Honestly the mobility scooter storyline isn't my cup of tea. I also feel like it would write the characters into a corner not being able to move around and be able to go anywhere. And I don't mind a good dream sequence, but sometimes I prefer to see what the girls are actually doing.


1. I love your style of writing and the vividness of your characters, I think you are as top tier a writer as it gets in the WG community. 2. i dont love farting and gassy stuff, nor like real just gross out things. But thats not a knock on your writing abilities at all 3. Laurie is easily my favorite WG character ever and I could always use more of her. I would like to see more of her bitchy, spoiled, stuck up, princessy side and less of her sloppy side. I love how she is a gluttonous pig that still thinks she is hot and better than everyone. I think her best chapters are when she is bullying others for their weight and inferiority while barely coming to terms with her own. Chapter 33a and 35 stand out in my mind, but there are others too. I would also like more detailed descriptions of her eating "cramming" "shoveling" what have you. Would also love to get them a little humiliated on the cheer squad in competition. 4. Again I think less out there fantasy stuff, gassy farting etc, gross out stuff, in general more realistic I think is better.

Tyler Gray

What do you like about my writing? The continuity is good. I love a long-form weight gain erotica. My favorite stories are somewhat grounded in reality. Love a pace of one to two pounds a day for most stories: somewhat physically possible. Depicting the inconvenience of extreme obesity is fun. I like how different many of the characters are. You really hit lots of different gaining tropes and various body types. Even just having the belly-, butt-, and breast-focused growths in the Alice series is nice. You’re decently good at having the stated weights match the description of the girls’ sizes. Lots of writers are worse at that. What keeps you here as a patron? The Alice series and other similar stories. I’ve been reading them for so long that I felt like contributing to the author! Love getting the notification that you’ve published a new one! What do you dislike about my writing? Reading a “future Alice” story where she’s not 1,500 pounds! I’d love to see mild-mannered Tyler snap and become an insatiable feeder. I’m not a huge fan of stuffing stories that don’t result in significant, realistic, long-term weight gain, but that’s just me. And I actually do enjoy a good belly inflation story. Self-Control by Inflate123 is one of my favorites, and CriticalVolume is my favorite artist for that subject. But when I’m reading about eating, I like to progress towards extreme weight gain at some point. I’m not as into instant weight gain, but I’ve read a few fun stories in that realm. What would you like to see more of? A Southern Transplant was probably my favorite non-Alice story. Loved the gluttony, the depravity, the marijuana use, the sinister feeding, and most of all the extreme weight gain. I love stories that involve weight gain drugs, appetite stimulants, sneaky feeders, etc. My favorite work of all time is Paige’s Roommate by StudioFA. I’m obsessed with the idea of a drug that ends the health effects of extreme obesity, and the resulting push to get a human as fat as possible. I’m into inconvenience and immobility, but not negative health effects per se. And I wouldn’t mind seeing an extreme male weight gain story with a female feeder! What would you like to see less of? Just me personally, I’m not a fan of anything involving giantess stuff. I like a certain height maintained as the character grows fatter, becoming more and more inconvenienced by their blubber. If a character starts getting taller, I exit the story and look for something else. Stories that end before 600 pounds kind of leave me blue-balled. The occasional non-canonical, future, or dream chapter of the Alice series is okay, but I’m usually disappointed when I see a new entry and it’s not a continuation of the actual present events. I want to see what happens next!


1.I like your writing style and the smooth development of stories. 2.I don’t like the way the story began to concentrate more on Laurie, I understand that it’s in style to fall into its own trap, but still the fact that the story can be practically renamed to Laurie is sad for me personally. 3.I would like to see more, so to speak, a return to the roots (a little more Alice in her story since she is the main character). 4.there’s practically nothing to say, so I won't say anything.