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So here's a little something that came into my head tonight and I thought I'd write up quick. It's about a chubby secretary who decides that she's going to seduce her chubby-chasing boss. It's pretty quick and goofy, but sometimes you just have to get an idea on paper quick! Anyway, it's a little something extra for those of you contributing $5 and over, so I hope you all like it! Thanks for your support!



Any possibility of continuing the Honey saga sometime in the not-to-distant future? It is a thrill ride!


Glad you liked it! :) I don't have any plans to continue it right now, but you never know what the future will bring :)


That's the truth right there. Case and point: not even a full page through and Mollycoddles is throwing literary curveballs laced with genius. Thanks for the quick feedback. Onto Donut Days 1 & 2!!!


Love this story :) Very sexy!