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Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I want to thank you all for being so patient with me, since I've been taking so long to get back in the swing of writing. I took a little break for the holidays and I'm ever so slowly getting back into business. I've been working on the next Alice chapter, but sometimes some other story idea just pops into your head and you're compelled to get it down on paper. I wrote a little story in the interim and thought I'd share it on here, as a special bonus for high roller backers! I asked previously about how was best to post non-Alice stories, and people generally felt that I should just post them as they're done, so that's what I'm doing. This is a quick and dirty MILF story that I wrote after seeing a beautiful older woman on the street the other day. I'm NOT going to post this online on my Deviantart site, so this is exclusive for you guys! Also, please be aware that you won't be charged. This is a freebie extra. I hope you enjoy! Thanks for your continued support :)



No comments yet? Shame. For one thing It's excellent that we get a lovely short story for free in the first place, and a great story it is too! I can only imagine how lovely that older woman must have been to inspire this. Very different to the high-school stylings of Alice, with such difficulties for our yummy mommies as getting their children out of the way for long enough... and a mature, controlling and confident personality from Jinny that makes a refreshing change. Thank you very much!