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So with the impending death of AIM -- and yes, I'm one of the last people still using AIM XP -- I've been looking into some alternative messaging systems. I've heard a few people recommedning Discord, and one of the advantages I've been pitched on is te ability to start Discord servers. I thought it would be kind of cool to start a Discord server for Patreon backers to interact, but I don't want to overly flatter myself with the idea. So just wanted to throw this out to y'all to see if this is something that people might be interested in?


Rhys Lawson

Discord is a good server setup, but the problem you might have is that while you can invite people, you can't guarantee people won't invite other people in turn. The servers need to be moderated and controlled, and if someone is in a server with you, they can contact you without needing you to be their friend first. I'm a fan of Discord, and I like it for networking, but you need to be careful with it.

Juzza Girl

To Rhys point, you can also limit people's ability to join the server based on whether or not they're a patron and you or a mod can kick people at will. I would argue moderators only become a true problem with size, but that's kind of the beauty of Discord. It works and behaves like an instant messaging online forum/you're own personal IRC. You can make people mods, have different topics and all that. and when you need more control you can do that. I will warn that I personally am in a couple discord servers that are very very active and need those mods. I'm also in a couple that are relatively quiet. Before modding someone or even making it private, I'd listen in and see how many of your patrons and followers you can expect to join. Which makes this Patreon post a GREAT idea 😁


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