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I finally had a chance to complete a new game! This is a Twine game based on one of my favorite branches in the writing.com Alice story, so I expanded it to add some good old fashioned stuffing...although this time, you get to choose how stuffed Alice gets!

 Alice is a fat teenager who never seems to stop eating. But her mother  has a plan to teach Alice a little lesson about what happens to girls  who can't control their appetites. You can play the game at the following link or download it for play offline:                                              




More of this please! This was great!

Tory Williams

This really was fantastic. Personally though I would have had her eat even more before the forced ending X3 Fantasy sized where she's too full to move ANYTHING~


It needed more branching paths, it didnt even really need to be interactive since there was only one possible story/outcome. Needed more options imo


I've heard that the "clicking through" adds to the experience for some, but in the future I'll try some with more bracnhes. Thanks for the feedback!

Mr. Monopoly

Yeah the ending was interesting since you can really only prolong the end at a certain point. I much more enjoyed the early parts where you could see different things happen. Not sure how you could move the story around more, and still come to the same conclusion though.

Rhys Lawson

I'd actually be very curious to see one for Laurie, myself.