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Hi everyone, it's Mollycoddles! I don't post enough random updates here, so I just wanted to thank everyone for your continued support! This really means a lot to me. Confession: I'm a teacher in my day job, so, as you might guess, money is always tight for the household (especially over the summer). But your support here on Patreon is really invaluable! I'm so happy that so many people enjoy my work and are willing to help me keep bringing you more stories about my favorite girls Alice, Laurie, and Jen (and other stories about other girls as well!)

I hope you'll continue to join me on this literary journey in the future :)

But the real reason I'm posting is to ask public opinion on TWO issues:

I'm trying to write more stories to fill in the spaces between updates, so if there's anything that you'd REALLY like to see, please leave a comment. As always I cant fulfill every request, but I do like to try and cater to diverse tastes.

Also I'm looking to find some new artists to illustrate future Alice chapters. Let me know if you have any suggestions!



You being a teacher really explains the accuracy of the "Alice" series to real High school.this is coming from a guy who finished school in the last 2 years.


I'd like to see more imaginative weight gain scenarios and the like stories whether one offs or new characters that have multiple stories. Like one that's been floating around in my head is ever since I saw BeakerFa's work I've thought of a story of like a goth who works at a library and one day finds a book called fat magic and next thing you know her and her three roommates are on a gluttonous growing spree as they grow bigger and bigger until the goth's rival from college gets the book and soon its battle of the fatzillas all the while the whole town is oblivious to it all


Honestly, I would love to see you try a male weight gain story at least once. I would also love to see you write stories where the person gets really massive. Like so fat they outgrow houses or towns, etc.


Molly, I've followed your stories for a long time, and what you've done with 'Alice' is just fantastic! I've always been a fan of some of the what if's and one offs you've done in that universe including dream sequences. I for one would enjoy putting the girls (especially my favorite Laurie :) into body inflation scenarios. I'd especially love your take a Blueberry Laurie. Whatever you do I'll continue to watch and enjoy!


How about something involving a teacher? Maybe she's fresh out of college, newlywed or something similar and finds herself landing a teaching gig and learns that she's also pregnant on top of it. The weight gain kinda writes itself there lol.


It's tough to recommend things because I really love the characters you create and the ideas you have. I would love a more stuckage centred story though. Very often you tend to end stories when a girl gets stuck. Perhaps a nice challenge would be a story where a stuck up fatty gets stuck, and she's trapped there for a long while? Lots of pushing her butt and tugging her arms, perhaps she begs for food whilst in there.


Maybe write about a 500 pound woman who is a teacher a football player is secretly attracted to. Her belly is so big that it erases the whiteboard on a regular basis without her realizing it while she writes higher up. He admires her a lot, and comes back to her room after school a lot for extra help with his studies just so he can see her more. Only one time he comes in, and she has been gaining so much weight so fast recently, that when was eating a couple boxes of doughnuts grading papers, she drops one. She bends over to pick it up and she bursts right out of her clothes! A shirt and skirt combo or something. She knew she should have resisted the doughnuts, she is so fat, she is only 28, but they call out to her. In walks in her student, let's call him Brad. He sees her, the skirt and shirt ripped along the side. She blushes, and asks him to get a sweatshirt she has in her closet. He does, can't believing his luck. She turns more red, and says that she is too big now, she needs help getting out of her clothes and into the small (for her) sweatsuit. She stands and he helps her take off her shirt and then gets down and takes off her skirt. At that point Brad can't take it anymore and buries his face in her stomach. She moans and says "Brad . . . I'm sure you know what that does to a girl." He continues to rub his face into her and starts rubbing her thighs and as with his hands. She wasn't wearing underwear. Her knees buckle with the combination of arousal and her weight Brad senses it and pulls her down on top of him. She says "Oh . . . Do what you want with me. . . " He kept his head free and plays with her fat for a few minutes until she can't stand it anymore and screams "TAKE ME NOW!" He helps her onto her knees then she is back on all fours with him behind her giving it to her doggy style.


Or something like that. I also would enjoy seeing you try male weight gain.


Idea! A student or office worker is put under a seven/eight day curse. To gain 2 pounds the first day, then double it, double it again, etc. each day. She is cursed at a fair it starts on the weekend so she doesn't really notice or believe it is happening. The weight comes on in spurts throughout the day, leading to many mishaps. The only way to break the curse on her own is to eat less than she did the day before. But part of the curse is everytime weight is added, her belly becomes almost painfully empty. Another side affect is that the more weight she gains, the more the woman in her life are attracted to her and subconsciously or consciously want to feed her more, make her bigger. She has seven days to break the curse or she never will without the gypsy's help, who's fair won't be back in town until Saturday, the 8th day. She doesnt make it, mostly because on the 7th day she doesn't even go into work or school playing sick and the woman in her life made almost mad with list come to her house, tie her down and stuff her all day. On the eight day she has gained a total of 254 lbs on her once thin frame, making her something like 370 total. Someone had pulled a fire alarm in a dorm or condo or whatever, or if a house an earthquake happens. She gets away and makes it back to the fair, but as she is trying to find the gypsy she starts gaining the next weight amount of the day, 256 lbs. Will she make it? Or will she even be able to walk when her weight crests 636? Will she be doomed to be a blob forever? You decide.


No one can really believes her about the curse of you want, and maybe some can only be aware they are becoming more attracted to her. Or hell, they could believe her once she gains a lot of weight that day (64 pounds is too much not to be believed) But of they do believe her, their memory is erased and realitly is reset so she was always the size she was when she woke up. Or maybe they never believe her at all (I like that best I think) and maybe it wasn't a group of girls on the 7th day. Maybe in the 7th day's reality she has a girlfriend who had already made plans with past her in the new reality to give her some appetite stimulants, tie her down, and have her way with her with food and sex. Everytime she passes out from it and wakes up that day, her gain is on a slow burn and always making her hungry, making her protests weak and her girlfriend believe she is just role playing like they always do.


No one can really believes her about the curse of you want, and maybe some can only be aware they are becoming more attracted to her. Or hell, they could believe her once she gains a lot of weight that day (64 pounds is too much not to be believed) But of they do believe her, their memory is erased and realitly is reset so she was always the size she was when she woke up. Or maybe they never believe her at all (I like that best I think) and maybe it wasn't a group of girls on the 7th day. Maybe in the 7th day's reality she has a girlfriend who had already made plans with past her in the new reality to give her some appetite stimulants, tie her down, and have her way with her with food and sex. Everytime she passes out from it and wakes up that day, her gain is on a slow burn and always making her hungry, making her protests weak and her girlfriend believe she is just role playing like they always do.


If it is reality changing with her weight one, it would probably take her longer to realize what was going on until like maybe the 4th day when she gains 16 lbs, totaling 30 lbs total gained. Even then she might doubt herself


I went kinda nuts I know. Sorry about that, I was excited.


You could even spit it into chapters if you wanted, doing one or two days each time. Why was she cursed? How does she feel? Who are her friends? Was it ment as a curse? If so, why? If not, why not? (Obvious points to a teacher like you I am sure, sorry.)


I actually had a teacher who was into male weight gain. She was an English teacher, and as an example to the class about writing in detail she wrote on the wHite board and out loud from the perspective of a sibling watching their hyper obese brother walk slowly out of his room, his fat rippling and jiggling with each slow footfall. How he descended at a snails pace down the stairs, huffing and puffing for air. She told us about his front as she watched him, and as he passed her, about his back, how it moved with his wide, waddling steps, until he reached the kitchwn, sat down heavily on a large chair, and began, I quote, hoovering his breakfast eggs and sausages.


The whole class was a mix of laughs, giggles, ooos and eeeeews, but I was fascinated.

Tory Williams

I would love to see a spin-off of Jen finally immobile. Or any completely immobile girl begging for more food/to be bigger~


You could do a what-if where you switch Jen and Laurie's personality. Jen is a schemer and vain, Laurie is bubbly and ditzy. Or a what-if Laurie and Jen were a couple. You could do a Male weight gain story with Frank, a little one off showing how he's gotten super fat going out with Laurie and Laurie's hand in making him just as fat as she is. Always interested in another Dr. Richards! What-if Laurie had a sister or two, how would that go? Would she be even more stuck up and vain than Laurie, would she be more like their mother and care free? Artists you could look into: Axel Rosered, Anastimafilia, Metal Forever, Aloysius Erotic Art, JayKuma, Grim-Kun, KipTeiTei, Better-With-Salt, TheTripleFool, Jeetdoh, BedBendersInc, Ray-Norr, cakehoarder, MagicStraw, PewButt.

Tory Williams

Jen going back to Dr. Richards after she's gone beyond the 600 or 700 pound mark


More pregnant weight gain or a spin off of as seen of tv.


Something with future Alice, perhaps? I think somewhere it said she was a teacher, maybe one of her students finds out her favorite food from her daughter and the class starts bringing in a ton for better grades. Or maybe a sequel of all the girls going back to Dr. Richards?


Stories featuring bursting and/or stuckage is my vote.


I would love to see a continuation of BBW Business Lunch. That's like my favorite story.


I really loved your short stories.