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Happy holidays, all! As some of you already know, I'm probably not going to be doing much writing until after New Year's since I'm hoping to spend some time with the family over the holidays. However, since I'm still trying to think of the best way to use Patreon, I wondered something. So far, I've generally posted extra non-Alice stories when they're finished, around the same time that I post Alice segments. Would people prefer that I post non-Alice stories in chunks as I write? That means that you might get more frequent small updates between Alice installments, but it also means that they might not all be finished. Please remember that you WON'T be charged for non-Alice stories. They're extras for $5 subscribers. Let me know your feelings! And I hope you all have a merry Christmas, happy Chanukah, happy Kwanzaa or whatever holiday or you or may not celebrate! :)


Andrew Fawcett

Post them when you feel they're ready, in my opinion. No one is going to argue with more frequent updates, and having a new Alice chapter to read often overshadows the other stuff anyway.


If they are finished, that's awesome, however I personally prefer they don't get posted until they are finished. So not really in chapters or chunks unless they're longer stories and not short ones. :)


Post them whenever you feel they're finished! I certainly wouldn't mind getting stories to tide me over until a new Alice chapter, but I don't want them to be rushed because you feel like you have to release something every so often.