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We had a lot of good suggestions for which story Sexyblimp should read, but ultimately I chose 'A Visit to the Doctor,' since it featured Alice but was pretty self-contained and also didn't contain anything too ribald that might offend anyone. Ultimately, I was pretty pleased to hear the result. It's pretty exciting! If you like what you hear, why not consider giving Sexyblimp some support as well?



Better than I was anticipating! I was hoping for a Laurie scene but she had a lovely voice for Alice. I hope you collaborate again, perhaps by finishing this series of Doctor's visits... Thanks!


Dies she do a lot of weight gain stuff or is it mostly inflation?


Can we get a link to the text?


Mostly inflation so far, but she says she's interested in doing any type of expansion.


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/doctors-agenda-3934274">https://www.patreon.com/posts/doctors-agenda-3934274</a>


Bravo! Wonderful story and delightful reading. Love the way she does Alice's voice. :)


I wonder if she would be willing to do the just like mom story and a few others


Wow! This is fantastic - really love this story and the audio reading. Excellent work and takes WG fiction to the next level. Would love to listen to more of your stories as an audio book :)