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Hey guys, again I wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the wonderful support that you've given me! I'm trying to write the next chapter right now, hope to have it up in the next few weeks (fingers crossed!) and some extras for people paying a little extra. :) However, right now I wanted to ask you guys a serious question...so, some of you might have noticed that I'm reeeeeeally bad with weights. Like, for someone whose main interest is big girls, I am embarrassingly clueless when it comes to weights. Part of the problem is abstract thinking about numbers is kind of hard for me, and also I never paid attention in school when we learned weights and measures XP So oftentimes, I describe the girls as being super massive but then I end up using really low numbers! I'd like to fix this in this next chapter, so it's going to have a little jump ahead (or retcon, if you prefer). In the last chapter, I mentioned that Laurie was 234 pounds and that is clearly waaaay too low for a girl of her ponderousness! Before I write in a more accurate weight, I wanted to check here and see if you guys had any input for what would be a more appropriate size? Do any of you have a particular number in mind that you think would be more appropriate for the girls' sizes at this point?



Laurie:295 Jen:335 Alice:310 I think that sounds better

Rhys Lawson

It really depends on how you want your girls defined. I remember some of the fan artwork that was done over the Alice saga for Laurie in particular, and those sizes felt about right. As to Chumlee99, do we have any proof that Jen is actually bigger than Alice? Though I'd admit that having those two close together would be viable. I'd say Laurie's probably at least 320, maybe 330 based on the descriptions alone. As to Alice, maybe 350. Jen I'd put between 330-340. I know the feeling, Molly - I'm hopeless at numbers and size descriptions when it comes to matching the two up. They never feel right to me, anyway.

Juzza Girl

290 makes sense for Laurie. If Laurie is at Jen's old butt and can fill her tummy to get stuck in a booth, that makes sense. Jen is a little harder because she's the flip side (more butt than tit). There's a lot more thigh and butt space than tit space. 320 or a little more seems about right. Alice may very well be 340, just from how you've described her. Being that round takes a lot of gorging just for it to settle in the belly. And if Alice's tummy around is bigger than Jen's butt, she's going to carry more weight since she needs thighs to carry and has a bit more chest than Jen. Basically, if Alice's belly is bigger than Jen's butt, Jen 320 to Alice's 340. If Alice and Jen are pretty equal on the belly front now (which they might be from how you've written them) Jen is easily an extra 25 pounds on Alice. Of course this all assumes they're the same height. Taller people need more weight to fill out those curves. All my numbers assume they're all 5'8" or something.

Juzza Girl

Ignore everything I just said, someone commented on your devart post with <a href="http://www.mybodygallery.com/index.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.mybodygallery.com/index.html</a> This is the most useful thing I've ever seen. It is by far more accurate than what I said.


laurie :290 Jen: 340, she is ready to break chairs, beds and her boyfriend being on top Alice 3:20


Thanks, guys! These are all really helpful responses, so this will help me a lot as I write the next chapter. Hopefully I'll have some weights that will make a little more sense... That way, if you're the sort of person who enjoys knowing weights, you won't get a rude little jolt at the scale scenes XD Thanks again for your advice!


I like the current weight. Yeah, they're not quite right for the sizes these girls sometimes are described, but they aren't normal shaped people either. It also is going to mess with continuity if their weights all of a sudden jump. Down the line if someone is reading the story, it will be rather jarring.


^ I get where he is coming from, but you could always have the scale they use get busted or need new batteries and then when they put in new batteries or get a new scale they are in for a rude surprise lol

Juzza Girl

That's a valid point with Jen. She's breaking chairs and Alice isn't chairs don't break at 320.


I know that the story is pretty cartoonish, so I'm not too bothered by weights that aren't realistic. But since it's hurting some people's suspension of disbelief, I think I might try to adjust it a bit. A busted scale might be just the deus ex machina to fix this problem XD But again, thanks to everyone for responding! All your feedback has been really helpful!

Rhys Lawson

I just commented what sounded or felt right to me, Molly. Honestly, your writing style is exceptional enough that you could get away with avoiding numbers entirely and leave the weights to the reader's imagination.


Do you know when it is going to be ready? Your writing is great


Soon! I'm hoping to post this coming week.