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Hi guys, so for august, i am trying to do a lot more episodes of stuff. My mom just got her check garnished for a car she had 10 years ago. She owes 10,000 dollars and it's taking a lot of money (800$) for each check. I also have to pay for my dog's neutering, his insurance, some bills, and there's just a lot going on. I've been saving money well but I wanna help my mom with her money and give her some.

 I really want to continue just doing this for work for a little longer, as I am finally getting things together slowly, and I'm trying to wait a couple more months before I find another job. It would be fine right now since I haven't needed to spend money but the mom garnishing threw us off and she's struggling. I have dentist appointments since I am only on my mom's insurance until my birthday now and still wanna try to see a doctor for mental health, but things have gotten in the way. My sleep is getting a little better thankfully. I've been getting up 3 hours earlier compared to before.

I am going to do the poll again to see what more stuff you guys want. Anything to keep people staying for next month. I have a steady amount of patrons each month, very few people leave, but I wanna try to keep more people staying, I just don't know now cause some things are ending and I wanna make sure those people stay next month. 

But anyways, I have more openings for request tiers and it would be great if anyone wants to join. Of course it takes out at the 1st of the month, so if you wanna wait to upgrade then, that would be nice. 



as a once i ain't got no quit. we ain't stop till the screaming starts.