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LINK: https://dai.ly/x8m8li0

Password: fun




The Cast is not entirely fixed in this show so some people will leave and new ones will come (Minghao is in the cast for the entire time). It's fun to see Minghao interacting with people in Chinese and how much the older people adore him. They don't really mention Seventeen because of the difficult relationship between China and Korean so they would not use any clips in which they speak or sing in Korean. Also, his nickname Xiao Ba (Little8) I love hearing that. They all speak Mandarin, its more common in Chinese programs to speak mandarin because its the official language. For Ages Yitong is the youngest born in 2000, ShenYue and Minghao are both born in 1997 and Zhe Yuan is born in 1996 (him and Minghao are like best friends in this show)