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20:37 yes! a lot of shounen (this just means it's a demographic written for teenage boys. obviously, anyone can watch it no matter who it's targeted towards but shounen animes usually focus on adventure/action/comedy for the most part) animes are like this and it's one of the reasons i love it so much, bc we tend to follow a large cast rather than just focusing on a specific few and i love meeting all kinds of different characters. i do think Attack on Titan is better targeted towards seinin (demographic for the older audience) just bc it has so much blood and gore lol but that's just me. i've said this before but i love how much you love and wanna protect Armin. he deserves the world tbh. <3 also, i'm glad that you're avoiding spoilers (such as the part with Sasha where you were trying to look up her full name, but avoided seeing anything else but that) bc AoT is one of those shows filled with twists and turns that it's better to see it for yourself rather than be spoiled.