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LINK: https://dai.ly/x8d7rux

Password: intro




when they're discussing achievments they're talking about among girl groups lol...most gg don't make it past the 7 year curse let alone release a 7 full albums


the part when they go off on older variety shows was so funny, they are a that level

Blueskyn K

I kinda noticed that the image of yoona you have in mind is kind of a sweet girl(? pls correct me if i'm wrong lol), just thinking it might be interesting to know that she's been known as the prankster of the group since back then (her pranks in Hello baby are legendary), but absolutely agree that she is more carefree in this comeback. Yoona and Sunny might seem like an unexpected combination but they actually hangout with each other the most (like they always being all clingy with each other in this era its so cute to see). Oh, I'd also recommend exit for Yoona's movies. This comes out much longer than I expected lol..