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LINK: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x85a2up

Password: bus




Idk, to me Mamamoo's age gap doesn't seem that big...with Solar being the oldest ( '91 liner) and Hwasa ('95 liner). There are many other ggs that the age gap between the oldest and the youngest is 5/6+ years (Dreamcatcher, Exid, WJSN etc.) I def agree about RV tho :D

Stephen Ball

The other episodes that I've seen (I haven't watched them all) are more back and forth, from what I read about this one Mamamoo wasn't available to shoot for long because of other schedules, so that's why they did it this way. The next three episodes are super fun (they're the only other ones I've watched so far), can't wait to see your reactions! Also, I feel like this was the start of Yerin climbing my bias list haha, she was so cute dragging the suitcase around.