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Brooke DeVos

Oh another this week! What a nice surprise for me

Brooke DeVos

Not to coach ur in the soop expirience but if you didn’t notice: wonwoo took dk’s spot in bed with Jeonghan, got back out to deal with spider, and when he came back scoups was in there with jeonghan. Musical chairs. But with bed, and Jeonghan ig. I wish you, your husband wonwoo, and Wonwoo’s boyfriend a very happy relationship. “That just shows how bad their hair is damaged”- my little brother has never bleached, straightened, or frankly done anything with his hair and it still looks like that sometimes when he gets up. There’s hope for their scalps yet. I saw a really funny kcarat tweet about Minghao’s sleeping position that said smth like “Myungho Ah why do you sleep like tutanchahmun?” And I’ve thought of it every day since. Seoksoo flirting in the gym, they’re so cute. Also cute little verkwan. ALSO Seungkwan’s connections plus all of svt with that professional chef. I had the same reaction to the 2pm thing to hehe. Competent Dino and Mingyu impact me. Carats figured out the hair clip Jeonghan is using in this episode is shaped like a teddy bear and it ruined me. Another Jeongchan moment to add to my manifesto. I don’t think it’s actual weight they’ll gain, moreso the amount of water retention Bc of the salty / unhealthy foods they’re eating that they’re worried abt. Makes them look more bloated or whatever. Or mayeb not honestly I never used to consider water retention before watching Kpop stuff. No comment on the Jeonghan Mingyu thing, I preach they one day learn how to interact like Normal people who aren’t flirting. Such a fun episode. The rest of the mafia is also very seventeen hehe. Can’t wait until Sunday and the next episode, I’ve been enjoying this series so much hehe. Random question- have you watched seventeen hit the road? I didn’t see it on here but didn’t double check your Youtube yet.