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PART ONE: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x83dinl

PART TWO: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x83dink

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Poor Kyung Seok was going THROUGH it this episode! Can't wait to see your reaction to the last few.

lightning doughnut

Vinchenzo is actually really good! Like, at first I wasnt sure about watching it since I habe trouble sticking with shows I don't REALLY like; but it does have a higher budget than most kdramas and incredibly cinematography! (I'm rrly into film lol) but about 10? Minutes into the show, once the location switched to Korea, it became much more lighthearted and comical. There WERE serious themes but the characters were full of personality. It went from "serious gritty mafia/crime drama" to "literal mafia member is getting walked all over once he enters SK". It's really funny to see a character who is supposed to be scary and powerful get made fun of because people don't know who he is. Also Taecyeon is an AMAZING actor, he really blew me away. I think in tone the show is actually really similar to " He is Psychometric ".

lightning doughnut

I'm abt Kyung Seok's hair 😅. Its a weird color to pick since its not crazy noticeable. It sorta looks like Hwasa's hair right now. (Well idk if she still has it, but she did a feature on a DPR Live song, "Hula Hoops" and her hair was a really dark, sorta ashy blue and it looked amazing) Also about the smell thing- I do remember how houses smell, or my grandma, or the cologne my dad used to wear so often that now he just smells like it. Or like, if someone has the same laundry detergent or uses the same soap as me, I notice it right away. Its not like I sniff people lol 😭 its just sorta noticeable. Like that one aunt that's always drowned in perfume. Idk, I usually associate people with colors not smells but someone else might.