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should we continue...?

LINK: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x82p32v

Password: sam



Lucy Gibson

i wasn't sure about this show after ep 1 but I gave it a second chance and I ended up bingeing it all in a day, its a little over the top at times but I think thats just how Korean sitcoms are but its a lighthearted easy to watch show which I overall found very fun and enjoyable

Nana Magaña

I think that it’s a show just to watch for fun without having to follow a complicated plot. It’s funny. The humor is kind of different but you get used to it


i watched young royals and it was amazing. i loved it

lightning doughnut

The guy that looks familiar (Hyun Min) is Han Hyun Min! He’s a half Korean half Nigerian model and actor! He’s known by Nctzen’s for looking like Lucas (there’s a pic of them together and they look like cousins lol) and also being on a verity show with the Dreamies! He does a lot of verity (I first saw him on an episode of “happy together” with SVT’s Vernon. He’s really super sweet + has opened up about the discrimination he’s faced Korea growing up. I’m also pretty sure he’s closest with Jaemin out of all the dreamies.

lightning doughnut

So not worth it is a pretty fun show! I really don’t like Hans though. (Like tbh the comment abt African children gave “white savior” vibes and he’s low key a koreaboo lol) I also feel like AT TIMES they played into stereotypes too much. (Like with Hyun Min- as a black person I found it pretty distasteful at times but nothing HUGE, but pretty uncomfortable.)

lightning doughnut

Lol the joke about everyone thinking Terris and Hyunmin looks alike made me laugh bc it’s so true! Even in the United States, I get confused for the other black girls in my class ALL THE TIME. It doesn’t matter if their much taller or shorter or a complete different skin tone or have different hair. It happens all the time 😭