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LINK: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x80l0du

Password: lucas



sierra's reaction corner

I definitely love MTopia bc of how free and fun it is, you can tell they're genuinely just having a great time the whole way through.


can't wait for ep 3


Actually, Baekhyun DID show his abs. He worked his ASS off back during Monster era, when they were doing their 3rd concert tour, and during the performance of Monster, at the concert in Seoul, Baekhyun ripped open his shirt during his solo dance break for the song. It was epic. So he has definitely revealed his abs. Actually all of EXO have. Kyungsoo has too, most people just forget that he did. He went swimming without a shirt during their show "From Happiness". There wasn't any fanfare about it, and a lot of people probably haven't seen that show....Yeah, Beakhyun has been hypothyroid since before debuting with EXO. Hypothyroidism makes you feel more tired, your hair, skin, nails are all dry, your hair falls out more, you are cold, and you have a hard time losing weight, but a super easy time gaining it. Hypothyroidism is where the body doesn't make enough of the thyroid hormone which affects metabolism, energy, and the body's ability to retain heat. I have the same condition, and I am on medication for the rest of my life. Even with medication, I still feel tired a lot, and I get worn out very easily when I exercise (those with hypothyroidism really need to be careful how much physical activity they get...they can easily overdo it. So having a body type like that, and working in the shallow, body conscious industry that he does, and being surrounded by skinny legends has all contributed to Baekhyun's biggest, and maybe ONLY point of self-consciousness.