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I hope you won’t skip the actual announcements for the finale. The silence in between is so annoying so obviously you could skip through that but the parts where the members are actually talking are cute and theres a lot that is still referenced today


I'm looking forward to the final episode. (The Top 9 commentary is also really fun, so be sure to watch it.) I kept crying throughout the final debut announcement. It was so touching. I still watch it again from time to time, and I keep crying every time I watch it.


Btw for the final song selection process, basically the higher rank trainee is allowed to "Push" out the lower trainee to take the part that they want but they could only reassign them to an empty spot. So since Hanbin is in 1st place, he's the last guy to pick therefore there was only 1 part left (Jelly Pop's Subvocal 6) so whoever's part he wanted, would've had to take Jelly Pop Subvocal 6.