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WOW this was...art.

LINK: https://dai.ly/x8wxnhm

Password: sad


lightning doughnut

About names, it’s all about formality. Everyone calls Rengoku, Rengoku or Rengoku-san because he’s the highest ranking of demon slayer, well respected, an adult (our main cast are just teenagers. It’s actually cute noticing how much smaller they are compared to adult male characters and they’re about the same size as adult female characters). But the master of the demon slayers calls Rengoku “Kyojuro”- his first name because he sees all demon slayers as his children and is above him in age and status.

lightning doughnut

And regarding your question about Nezuko- she shrinks to fit in her box. But it’s explained that after turning into a demon her behavior has somewhat regressed and she became more childlike. In flashbacks it’s shown she was very mature and well spoken, often taking care of their youngest siblings. She is the closest in age to Tanjiro, after all and it’s clear she helped her mother a lot and was very humble and observant.