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this episode is a lot of comparing and contrasting, and a lot of getting used to the vibe! Along with my love for the og and what i am looking for in the show. Next episode is way shorter lol.

LINK: https://dai.ly/x8vhy78

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to me, the live action felt more serious while still having funny moments here and there, but i do agree the og animated one had way more funny moments. i think funny yet heartfelt is a good way to describe atla overall, but some dark, serious moments were definitely dark lol (in the og one). i'm not mad at the show and i personally feel like my enjoyment outweighed my complaints, but i can understand those who may not have enjoyed it as much (this is also coming from someone who grew up with the show and have loved it since my childhood). as for the acting, it's 50/50 for me. some moments can come off as cringe at times, but then other moments will hit (and obviously, none of the cringe ones were enough to make me hate the show bc i still enjoyed it overall). i think the special effects, however, is one thing that remained consistently so good throughout the show, if anything, imo. also, it's funny that you said you're a zutara shipper bc i grew up shipping aang/katara and zuko/mai but, as i grew up, i feel like i can understand the appeal of why zutara is a popular ship (i think you mentioned in another video that them being opposites isn't the main reason why you ship them, but to me, it's what makes them appealing as a pair now that i can understand why they're popular). i'm always gonna naturally ship endgame couples though, bc that's just how my mind tends to work - even if idk if they're endgame in that moment, but i just happen to usually ship couples who are endgame (it doesn't always happen but, for the most part, i've been safe on that boat lol). oh!! and i liked the excitement on your face every time something happened that you liked (sokka and aang having more of a brotherly bond moments or when momo appeared lol)