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Hey everyone! Long time no see! I'm gonna hold a suggestion thread on this here patreon to see what you guys would like to get drawn. Why don't you post some ideas down below of what you'd like to see! It can be from any of the comics I work on.. or even fan art of a character you like from a game or cartoon or something! I will be picking and drawing a lot of different ideas.. so post multiple if you have ideas for them!



how about a Milly breeding session?

Skaven Lass

Cause I’m curious, seeing the cast in different universes or themes would be neat. Like seeing a Fallout look for kibbles, or something of the like


I am a fan of Claire. Wife likes anything Sesame Farron. And for a third idea cause we haven't seen her in a while, something with Jasmine might be fun. And these could be anything from cute to adult depending on your personal mood at the time tbh. I personally like pinups. Jill likes her ships lol. Best of luck!


I'll suggest free love hippie Rook

Unusual Unity

More Jasmine ('nuff said)


More GG. *Nods* Don't have anything past that, just more GG because she's always fun to see. =P


Oooh! We haven’t explored Farron x Jasmine in a while! (Or Farron x Anise yet)


Had a silly Idea. Jasmine and Anise cooking , but Jasmin's cake has exploded all over here while Anise (who's cake if perfect btw) is looking at her sister with a "WTF!?" look on her face. Also I like Brocade's idea of Farron and Anise having sexy fun times.


Sesame and Goma (her male counterpart) tell each other about their adventures from their own perspectives, and compare the similarities and differences I feel would be interesting to see.


Sesame, Claire, Kibbles, and Jasmine at a hot spring.


The main cast on a talk show in the style of Jerry Springer or Maury. :P


curly brace from cave story? or one of the girls cosplaying as her?