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As Jaina makes her way through the grand halls of the Kul'tiras mansion, her hips sway seductively with each step, her stiletto boots announcing her presence with every echoing click. Her gaze fixates on the sight before her - Anduin, bound tightly to the wooden rack, his body at her complete mercy. His eyes, blindfolded and helpless, only heighten the vulnerability of his position.

A devilish grin spreads across Jaina's lips as she approaches Anduin, the glimmer of mischief sparkling in her eyes. The large strapon she wears hangs heavily between her thighs, its imposing size hinting at the pleasure and dominance she intends to exert over the young king. Slowly, Jaina walks around Anduin, her fingertips lightly grazing his exposed skin, relishing in the shivers that run through his body.

"Such a submissive bitch," Jaina purrs, her voice dripping with satisfaction and power. "Beg for it, Anduin. Show me just how badly you want to be filled."

Anduin's moans and pleas escape his lips, a constant symphony of need and desire. The chastity cage that encases his desperate cock only intensifies his longing, as precum continues to drip helplessly from his restrained member.

Jaina steps closer, the scent of her arousal permeating the air. The anal beads in her hand glisten with slickness, a clear invitation for Anduin's submission. With deliberate slowness, she pushes the first bead past his tight ring of muscle, relishing in the way Anduin's body tenses and trembles.

"Is this what you craved, my little king?" Jaina taunts, her voice laced with playful malice. "Does each bead sliding inside your eager ass make you ache for more?"

Anduin, lost in the sensations, can only whimper and nod, his body trembling with anticipation. The tight bindings that hold him firmly in place only serve to heighten his vulnerability, eroding any control he may have had as Jaina continues to tease and torment him.

Unable to resist, Jaina thrusts her hips forward, the strapon pressing against Anduin's flushed cheeks. She relishes in the way he strains against his restraints, yearning for the penetration that she so effortlessly denies.

"Oh, you want it deeper, don't you?" Jaina grins, her voice filled with sadistic delight. "You want to feel every inch of this strapon stretching you open, filling you completely."

Jaina increases the pace, each bead pulsing in rhythm with Anduin's desperate moans. With each deliberate thrust, she pushes him further to the edge, bringing him closer to a release he knows will be denied.

Anduin's body writhes underneath Jaina's ministrations, his hips pushing back against the strapon, seeking the fullness that only she can provide. A mixture of desperation and surrender washes over him, leaving him utterly at Jaina's mercy.

As Jaina continues to dominate Anduin's trembling body, her eyes flicker to the observer who had dared to watch their intimate encounter. She licks her lips, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

"Wanna be next?" Jaina taunts, her voice filled with a dangerous allure. 



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