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Hello, my dear supporters, as you may know, or not, I'm moving to Easten Europe from Ukraine, and there USD isn't very useful, EUR is much better to use in these countries, so I'm thinking about switching payment value from USD to EUR to avoid the double conversion of this currency.

All values and prices will be the same, just in EUR.

But of course you're my auditory, you support me, so I need to have your feedback on such possible change to understand would it affect on your or not. So please, give me your fair answer.


Nitaara Valrin

im here to support you so whatever works best


I personal don't know how much of effect this would have patron or such. Because I personal only have USD and I'd love get some artwork some time but convert USD to EUR sounds like nightmare.


Isn't Patreon converts it automatically? I just see that many peoples paying in their national value, be it a Krone, Lira and etc. But I still receivr USD in the end.


paypal automaticly converts, so thats no problem :)