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Hello, my dear Patrons. Recently I've decided to think about making some kind of my "own game" trough, obviously based on the concept of Graphic Novel/Quest in the Warcraft setting.

The main idea is making interactive, variable, hot stories, including your favorite Canon ladies and original characters.

I didn't digged very deep into the software with it's possibilities to make this or another features in such game, trough I know that it's not very hard to make a very basic GN with a variable answers and lewd pictures as their results.

Trough, I think about making something a bit deeper and variable than just a basic story. Some mix of... lewd garrison thing. Of course I still need to think about story and whole concept, but I wanna share with you, what I think about right now.

I have lots and lots of ideas and details for such game, but of course it's all based on the time I need to spend on working with it, and of course on the possibilities of this or another game engine.

So, the less I plan to make - a lewd graphic novel, but in my dreams it's will be lewd game with lots of mechanics and features that players gonna be discovering.


That's something like a HotS universe concept. Warcraft universe collapsed because of magic cataclysm, and so, you are the main hero of this story, like a hero from WoW plot. You're somewhy survived and even found out that you have a weird ability to reconstruct pieces of this world, and revive/summon it's heroes and inhabitants. Trough obviously, you gonna summon mostly girls, or maybe even Futa's, heh.
But also, you will be reconstructing pieces of world including enemies that is gonna be a fight objects in Sexpeditions, and create a new characters such as new Waifus or even your Rivals that is gonna show up as another character in the story, that tries to steal your waifu's and end your reign.

I plan to make a main plot of the game with a few victory/defeat variants, but also focus on the personal stories with every Waifu you have.


At first and foremost I want to focus on the personal stories with every Waifu you see. They gonna have a different character, different likes and desires. I plan to make very variable dialogs, so you gonna have more than one way to seduce your waifu and more than one way to fail with her.
If you'll fail your seduction that's not so bad, and you still gonna have other options to use on her, like make a Sexpedition whore of her. (Ah, you don't like me, bitch?! Then lets see how you gonna like that nasty goblin's dick!).

Some waifu's gonna have their own, special fetish. For example one of them gonna be a fan of romantic things and cuddles in the sex. Another one gonna love threesomes. Third gonna be an anal maniac. And forth may be a Futa with a weakness to fuck some bossy asses like yours.

About the Town/Resource Management

Game will have something similar to Garrison system of buildings/resources management.
You have a land to build  various buildings, for example Blacksmith house will open you a new Waifu and a crafting mechanic that will allow you to craft specific armor set for this or another waifu (Armor pieces will appear on her separately if you will be crafting/wearing them on her piece by piece. But only in the dialogue window I think. In the lewd scenes will be only basic/armored versions).
Every waifu gonna have a 1 more set, some of them maybe will have more options, but I don't want to dig into it for now. I just want to give some customisation options.

Also, building this or another building in the Town will result into spawning new enemy types, if there is an option to build only this or another building (For example, you can build Goblin or Gnome workshop, that will give you an access to only Goblin or Gnome waifu, but also will spawn enemy Gnomes (if you chose Goblin Workshop) ).

So, from sending your Waifus on the Sexpedition you gonna gain Basic resources such as:

Wood - That is spent on building everything.
Gold - That is spent on the craft with other minor resources, or on buying items without a craft but for an extra price.
Mana - Used to Summon specific Waifu's that you don't acquire with buling something. For example Jaina Proudmoore or Maiev  Shadowsong.

Also there will be a minor resources you gain from victory or lose in Sexpeditions, they will allow you to craft some things for quests, potions to gain/remove specific effects and etc.

Sexual Corruption - The more Waifu fails in Sexpedition the more corrupted she becomes, which decreases her fight effectiveness, until you will heal her or put into the Horny jail, but opens a possibility to farm more Defeat Resources and maybe even open some special outfits/dialogue/interactive options for her.


It's something similar to the Garrison Expeditions. You've got a group of enemies of some type, somewhere, you got your Waifus with special traits, so you send them to fight with the opponents. Some traits of your Waifu's and Enemies can be discovered only in fight.
(Will it take some real time to fight with them, like 5-10-30mins, or it's will be just skippable, not sure yet). But the result of expedition you gain:
For Lose - Lewd image/animation of how your Waifu's being fucked (I plat to make a few image variants for specific waifu/enemy). Special defeat resources such as cum, mojo, etc. That can be used to craft potions.
(Also I think about mechanic of "captured" Waifu, where after lose there is a chance that enemies will capture waifu from failed expedition, and until you'll free her, she will be gaining corruption points every day/cycle)

For Victory - Probably will be some standard victory screen, but also may be something specifically lewd for some kind of Bosses.  Special victory resources, such as Wood, Gold, Magic and additional resources, such as a new Building blueprints and/or Armor pieces.

So the main goal of Sexpeditions is to make all the waifus you have in your town - useful somehow.
To farm resources and progress trough the main story.
To give you more lewd content.
To allow you seduce those waifu's with who you've failed before trough corruption mechanic.

About variability of Waifu's

So, obviously we need to talk about variability and I want to tell you want do I plan and what you can expect. Of course I gonna make only those Waifus of specific races that have a proper models, and some of them will be an option to choose.

Like, you will be in need to pick a Blood Elfs or Void Elfs, Draenei or Lightforged or Manari, Night Elfs or Nightborne, Goblins or Gromes, Orcs or Trolls and etc.

This choice will be also a choice of specific waifu with specific character, for example Lightforged Priestess will be a shy cute babe, while Manari will be a lewd seductress.
Night Elf Sentinel babe will be brave and eager to fight, while Nightborne lady will be a spoiled brat that gonna annoy you all the time about her lack of comfort, hah.

So you can count as confirmed next races: Humans, Orcs, Blood/Void Elfs, Draenei/Lightforged/Manari, Night elfs/Nightborne, Goblings, Gnomes, Trolls.
+ a few canon characters that belongs to this or another race. For now I think about Jaina, Maiev, Valeera and Sylvanas.

So how do I imagine Gameplay in General and what about Replayability?

I imagine it in the next ways. Be it a first launch of the game, or a replay, I start up at the piece of land, with a Tavern on it, and 1-2-3 basic waifus. I can go talk with them and try out the basic mechanic, like seduce them in some ways. But starting from here I gonna receive a quests from them, that will lead me trough building the two more basic buildings, and start Sexpeditions.

Standard Quests from them obviously will be based on defeating groups of specific enemies, or crafting this or another item that gonna open my way to their hearts.

Meanwhile I can read dialogues from them, from enemies and/or read items description to get more info about the world, and about everyone's position in it.

At some point I gonna have a two ways of getting a lewd content, one is from defeat or (which is more rare) victory screens from Sexpeditions, another one to use resources from the to Build new buildings and unlock new waifus, to complete their quests and get new scenes with them, to seduce them in dialogues, and to craft specific lewd sets for them that gonna affect on how they look now and in some lewd scenes.

(Yeah, at some point game will be about lewd grinding of resources to progress trough story and with some waifus trough building/crafting/fighting. But I think this is a lewd game to play in the evening and relax, rather then competitive RPG where you want to kill whole night)

Meanwhile there will be some additional story events. Such as appearing of your specific rival that can steal your waifu's if you won't best him/her during some series of competitions.
Special Bosses and etc.

I think the story will be somewhat complete, so as I said it's will have a few good/bad endings, some of them will allow you to progress even after finishing the main story, and some of them gonna ruin the game.

Replayability - When I think about Replayability I think about it in two ways: natural and artificial.
Natural replayability basically based on the fact that every waifu have more than one way to seduce her, that is gonna lead to the different lewd scenes. But also you may fail and cut off for you all but Corruption-based scene.
Also there may be a few plot twists with required decisions to make and a few good/bad endings, which naturally will stimulate you to try this story in different way, or seduce waifus  in different style.

Artificial replayability obviously based on the fact that there will be a "blocking" choices. Like situation where you need to choose, to build this building or another, which gonna block another waifu for you.
Also there may be a situations when you need to pick one of two Waifu's that's fights with each other for your heart (and dick).
Also there will be blockings choices about creating part of the world with this enemy, or another one, that will cut off images with the blocked enemies from your view.
And of course there will be missed part of the story because of all this, so that wil stimulate you to replay the game at least twice, to pick alternative (from your first choice) variants.

How do I plan to work on this Game and how it's gonna affect on my releases in general? 

At first, I understand that even making a simple graphic novel it's a lot of time. So, if this my desire will be currently supported, I will start out with a basic things, like working on the story for 1-2 Waifu's that is gonna appear in the game.

I probably gonna work on them in a somewhat separate time, when I'm not busy with commissions or other projects.

When I will make this 1-2 stories, I will release it for my Patrons, and if they'll get a positive reviews I will start working on the whole game mechanic.

So, in the perfect situation, I will make this stories till the end of this year, and in 2-3 more years whole game will be complete and released, with a lots of early access stages during the work process of course. And lots of votepolls.

If it's will be really popular I'll just make a separate Patreon tier for the game support.


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