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Shin splits



I know its Impossible on Youtube..But if ROMCOMS are an Option..Is SNAFU a possible patreon reaction from you guys?

Rudeus Greyrat

y'all just can't appreciate the complexity of re zero

Matthew B

It is clearly a bad idea to have the name Petra in an anime.

Dane Byrd

For a hot minute Popo was top AND bottom guy

Dane Byrd

ReZero is the show that makes you hate it because it always gets good only to then torture everyone around the main character. Also the current airing part of SAO sucks ass. All of season 3 up until now was good and at its worst - just ok. Current episodes airing are just graphic torture porn


lol its not the complexity its the overbearing, hand holding pacing. Ep 2 was prime example of slow pacing, ep 6 they jammed nearly 100 pages into 1 ep, they've skipped content. this is coming from some whose read the source material up to this point, they even added anime only material with Frederica so there is a lot of issues going on outside of the fact production team acknowledged issues themselves