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2 things 1st- on whether john walker existed before the challengers death. In ep 9 kiki talks about her dreams and how at first only one serial killer appeared before he invites many others. Which sakaido asks if it was a person with a hat and cane and kiki says yes. 2nd- this a long shot but what if the first 8 episodes have all been sakaido's dream. At the end of ep 9 his wife says that if she dies that is a sign that it isn't real so maybe this is now the real world. Just a thought


These theories are some vsauce mindfuck shit


cannot fucking wait for the next episode reaction to come out, 10 was somehow even better


TL;DR John walker is the dead inventor of the well who died while his mind was in a well and is still alive in the well which we know from episode one is a possibility They said in one of the earlier episodes that if your body dies while you are still in the well your mind remains there so what if John walker is dead in real life and his mind just exists within the well, seems weird that this show would mention something this specific and never use it (much like when they mentioned what would happen when a person enters their own well and this happens), both are very specific and both are being set up in early episodes (both in the first if I’m not mistaken) Perhaps john walker is the dead inventor of the well and couldn't extract himself when he was diving or didn’t extract intentionally, he later invaded one of the serial killers dreams and told him to bury his body in Momoki's yard, we found his body as a skeleton so we know it has been a while (if his body was recently murdered then this would rule him out from being john) and it also hides cause of death from the viewer (if they showed he had died of murder then he couldn't have been John), Out of all the characters who we know are dead he is the only one I can recall who has died offscreen in which we don’t know the cause of death and is the only one who would be in a position to die while inside a well, he is also a person the show has given us very little information about and has some of the biggest questions surrounding him (What were his motivations for creating the well) who else do we know whos motives are still very unclear? John Walker Why would you murder the inventor of the machine when you could have just kidnaped him and kept him alive to get to give you all the info on the machine and/or had him keep working on it/building new ones. You would only murder him if you no longer needed him and knew every single detail about the well and knew how to handle any future problems or questions you might encounter with the well. Who do we know that wouldn’t need to keep the inventor alive to use the machine to it’s most extreme extent, to enter other people dreams, but the inventor This is all under the assumption that the director is a distraction the show is throwing at us to think we know who John is. If John turns out to be the director I feel like it would be a very disappointing twist way that the show gave away way too early and less mind-blowing than the twists that happened episode 10. Having the inventor be dead while also creating serial killers from within the well he created while the whole audience expected someone else sounds just like a twist this show would pull.