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Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xVWQAxcVlGZfeRwjSdNymk_DBYbifHXn

Episode 23 only: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Kf8Ls4MKSFQ6et5hhKj1saNah5YKGBME




The feels though, when Nezuko was remembering her family. And also, she's just too fucking cute. Like c'mon. It's not fair. XD


While I really like the 1$ to watch anything policy on this channel there is not much content at all. 95% of shows are dropped midway or even after a few episodes if patreons don't pay a crapload of money just to watch a show you already watched before.


I beg to differ as the 95% number is highly incorrect and closer to 5-10% and I would like to know which shows you are referring to. Also, as patreons that have sponsored any series in the $20 or more tiers will tell you, we don't watch shows that both of us has seen before, if one of us has not seen it (like Noragami for me I havent seen and Steins:Gate for Jouten, then we watch the series). In terms of there not being content, between the 2 youtube channels there is close to 400 videos. On this patreon there are about 30 completed series with 11 series being recording on going equally over 1TB of reactions. Patreon doesn't have the best site to keep track of all of the series we've done so this is more so why you may feel like that. Also the $20 and above tiers are being deleted next month as we won't be doing solo request because of the issue it being a 1 off/a few episodes or taking on a full season. We addressed that update last week. Just wanted to clear up some misconceptions -Popo