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Those Hashira need to get the shit beat outta them. Except for the two female Hashira and Giyu. I feel like Shinobu can be open-minded about the situation, and actually try to see things from others' point of view. The Love Hashira is well.... yeah. XD Everyone else is narrow-minded and ignorant af, their heads are ridiculously far up their asses.

Shin splits

Yeah there’s a reason for them to do narrow minded in the manga. I’m not sure if u read the manga but everybody has their reasons. Well most of them

Shin splits

SPOILER!!! I guess? It doesn’t take that long to become a pillar about 5 years- 2 years depending on how talented u r. Obviously u still have to be talented to become a pillar tho.


Bro, you know Tanjiro's a G when he got freakin' Saitama yellin' at him to wake tf up, 2 weeks in a row.. and that Saitama's a god damned NOBODY in that scene 😂😂 But if i were to describe this episode in one word, it'd be "TENSION". Everyone so wound up, it's so serious rn. Love this series, the JOMA's reactions, and can't wait for more of either.