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available for download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Fg7kIQcjg9NJZimiFpjouaAbwgzQFPDS



Just Another Josh

I definitely prefer the older format, as it has a better balance. The new editing put both of you covering portions of the show, but it also puts you on opposite ends of the screen. So, should we want to focus on you two instead of the show and see visual reactions, our attention will be divided. Before, when you were both on the left, it made it really easy to switch between the full show and the reactions, without losing track of anything. Now it's a little clumsy to watch both of your reactions to moments. That being said, experimenting with new edits is definitely a good idea, I just don't think this is the one that's gonna work best.


I like this format since you guys can actually full screen the show for us instead of us watching it smaller than usual. Maybe you can mess around with where you guys are placed on it but I definitely like this way. Also makes reading the subtitles easier too


Best part was seeing Mirelia practically having an orgasm.


I enjoy the format

Shin splits

The format is weird because I have to look at it face cams separately instead of one


The new format is fresh, but I would recommend moving the face cams to the corners so its less invasive of the show your watching


I am a bigger fan of the older format. You two being on opposite sides of the screen makes it difficult to see the reactions of you two and balance that with watching the anime.