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Just Another Josh

Glad to see the reactions to this series back, it's definitely a favorite of mine


I didn't need a reminder of how much kirhara is damn piece of shit though 😂😪


yeah i love this anime

Luna Lupus

If jouten wants an MC that's not a pussy then look no further than Heavens lost property, my mans tomoki be all up in that, sucks no one has fund it on their poll but they got some classic in there


I watched almost every single reaction from you guys and I noticed change in jouten's reactions. Now instead of enjoying anime it's all about "boobs", "wow that ass" "just fuck already" it looks a bit forced and cringe. My man you are watching anime enjoy the story, animation etc. No hate, just my personal opinion. Sorry for my poor english ;)


he was pretty alpha indeed, exactly what rito had to be all allong in TLR