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Hey guys, this serves as a major update regarding our youtube channel. We've been hit with the 3rd copyright strike on our secondary channel (Jouten's main). We are going to continue to upload all of our reactions to Patreon but the Youtube channel will be on short hiatus (whether we create a new channel for anime reactions or resolve the issues with the current channel). We gave a brief explanation in the beginning of Fate/Zero Ep 3 but will make another dedicated post. In the meantime, we've be catching up in all of the patreon sponsored videos while these youtube issues are dealt with

Available for Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eKaSPHM1VmKS83AerD3Myr1eXsI9sY30




Fate zero is cool but i'll prefer the others 3 series :/ The name of Caster was said so I don't think its a spoil, he's name is BlueBeard, he is a French guy that fighted with Jeanne d'arc but got corupted and raped/killed I think more then 200 childs :/

Shin splits

The Assassin class is always one of the weaker classes


Petit tips mon gars, on dit pas "fighted" mais "fought" et tu as confondu "his" soit "son" et "he's" soit "Il est" et petite faute d'ortographe à corrompu où tu as oublié un r. J'espère avoir pu t'aider. But yes, Bluebeard or Barbe Bleue in French was pretty awful. He kidnapped hundreds of kids who he then raped and tortured. Apparently, he used the blood of children as offerings for Satan.


In zero assassin is Hassan of the hundred faces they have the ability to take there multiple personalities and turn them into other assassins. Also Hassan is the name the person takes when they become the old man of the mountain the leader of the assassin order.


Jesus most op Hero? Trust me as soon as he sees Lamar he'll be like: aight master am outta here, i cant take this nigga