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Nofile: https://nofile.io/f/uZd6y5h95nh/2019-02-28+18-44-53.mp4

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LFkqfLnKczsqpYn6Xv29FXLLj5C0Q4xu




You guys got the parasyte vod?


It's ok, the small-minded can't understand. They were attempting to knock her down, putting their body weight into it because that would be their best chance of actually doing it, but since they're so tiny and weak compared to Mom, that was futile. Ofc, being in a desperate situation and panicking, they weren't thinking about that. Again, they're kids. Regardless of how smart they are for their age, they are still kids. They don't know how to fight, they literally acted on impulse out of desperation, it's not that hard to figure out. Also, calling an entire episode full of developments dumb based on two moments is petty af lmao. Like seriously? Talk about weak-willed, letting such trivial things ruin an entire episode for you LOL.

Conner Massey

There's also the fact that it was literally shown that these Mom's/caretakers do combat/martial arts training as part of becoming a Mom, something I was waiting the whole post-episode discussion for someone to bring up, yet no one did. That particularly is probably why she was able to fuck up Emma's leg so effortlessly and quickly. I'm an anime only as well, but I wouldn't be surprised if Isabella actually turns out to have a solid build under that big uniform of hers. With those things in mind, even if they were to try and team up on her (which based on her character, she likely wouldn't give them the chance to) or actually try to throw hands or kicks, what the fuck are these kids gonna do against a trained combatant? The results gonna be the exact same as what happened in this episode regardless. Now the inspection gripe I can *kinda* get, but they probably just thought that now that Mom knew and would now be keeping an eye on them personally, that this was their best chance to catch at least a glimpse what they would be expecting out there should they end up succeeding in the future. All in all, I definitely think a mountain was made out of a molehill here for this episode. Still enjoy the reactions though, even if I happen not to agree with the comments/criticisms made.