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Nofile: https://nofile.io/f/dx1TouoWMmN/2019-01-23+13-53-35.mp4

Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Fg7kIQcjg9NJZimiFpjouaAbwgzQFPDS




Raphtalia is 10 Years old, but: Demi-Humans grow a Body that can handle a " High " Level, which mean, they grow into the Body of a 18-20 Year old, and after that they stay in it until they grow older ( which means, Raphtalia stays in her " Young Adult Form and will first start to grow normaly if she reaches a Age of 21 and older) on the other Side, if she lose her Levels or Reset them, she has her old Body back.

Cash Money Rat

Can't wait for bitch's comupins tbh


looking good with that sweater my dude ^_^


You need to crash those waves of puns Popo you are going too far bro. Also is the patreon videos starting up soon since it is more toward the end of the series??? And heard any more news about Joma channel? Unless I somehow missed any info. about them I haven't seen anything yet.....


When comes the reaction to the next episode?