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Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14OBROXU2Vs15tp9RWlPjwi5e9o-WVt4n




Processing :( My laptop doesn't have the storage to download lol


any alternative download? gdrive has reach its 24hrs limit


Here are some more Background informations etc. about this Lord, they are from the Light Novel. Goblin Lords Background When Goblin Lord was a small child, his nest was killed by a female adventurer and he begged her to spare his life. She did so on the agreement of never doing anything evil again, but the moment she turned her back he knocked her over the head with a rock and then killed her. As years pass, he became more resourceful and brutal, and became a wanderer after then. A few more years later, a barbarian massacred his horde, he rushed to the cave and held one of the women the goblins raped hostage, this made the barbarian pause for the moment as the Goblin Lord soon killed both the barbarian and the woman. The Goblin Lord triumphantly howls as he took the barbarian's axe (which soon became his signature weapon). From then on he joined many nests, surviving attacks and growing stronger and wiser where the others died, until he eventually came to rule over a large force of Goblins. Appearance Goblin Lord was taller than normal goblins and far more muscular, having lived and grown over the years. He has a goatee and wears a crown, a cloak, and armor. He wields a high grade double headed battle axe engraved with a lion, a weapon taken from a dead barbarian. Personality Having lived a long life, the Goblin Lord fancies himself as being far more cunning and intelligent that the other Goblins in his forces. To that end, he is willing to sacrifice them for the sake of getting away, knowing he can grow even more clever and resourceful over time. However, despite his ambition and position as a leader of goblins, he does not care about the others of his kind and views them as dispensable resources. As such, like every goblin, he prioritizes his personal preservation above all else. He loathes begging for his life and bending knee to any others, especially to humans, and only uses it as a means of getting the upper-hand. "First... we take the farm to the east. There, we eat their livestock, use their women to build our numbers. There, we prepare to attack. Perhaps the adventurers have gotten wind of us and shall meet us there. But we outnumber them! We are an army! Mere adventurers will not stop us! Look alive! And bring them down!" - Goblin Lord's battle speech But, The anime cuts out most of his dialogue in favor of time.


Cant wait for watching, but limit( Stupid google.